Chapter 10

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"Ah, you decided to be fashionably late, didn't you?" Kuroo smirked as he watched the two Seijoh lads to take their seats right across him.

"Shut up! My hair wasn't smooth enough, I needed to get to the saloon!" Oikawa almost yelled as he took a seat with an annoyed face, he even mumbled some inappropriate words - rolling his eyes when Iwaizumi took a seat next to him.

Kuroo couldn't help but chuckled at his dramatic friend before glancing at the other lad and asked, "Lemme guess, you pulled him out of the shower?"

"I did, or else we might get here around dinner time," Iwaizumi sighed before glancing at the empty seat beside Kuroo. "Where's Bokuto?"

"He's here. He's ordering a chocolate milkshake," Kuroo told him.

The four of them decided to hang out the day after celebrating Oikawa's father's 5-star hotel. It's more like talking about Volleyball strategy but they all know that things will not go as planned since they are just bunch of high schoolers in the middle of a summer vacation.

Soon, the spiky ombre white haired lad came back with a banana milkshake, he sulked before saying, "They said they were running out of chocolate milks,"

Iwaizumi laughed at the owl looking lad while Kuroo just shook his head in embarrassment but a smile was there. Oikawa, however, is still upset about the fact that his hair is not on point. Even after Bokuto enjoys his banana milkshake, the dark brown haired lad still mumbled and complained about the whole thing that Iwaizumi did to him.

Bokuto raised an eyebrow at Oikawa before turning his head to Iwaizumi, "Is he okay?"

Iwaizumi took a deep breath before glaring at his dramatic friend, "I don't want to know anymore,"

"All I needed was a nice cream-bath hair! Why do you need to pull me away from my bathroom!?" Oikawa literally yelled which caused his friend to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Okay, okay. Should we just start over with?" Kuroo chuckled, tried to calm the other lad. Everyone agreed except Bokuto who just happily drinks his milkshake.

They talked about their strategies for their next volleyball match. Despite being in different schools, they always do this just to create some high-light on what they're going to do in the next match. After a few conversations, Oikawa started to join while Bokuto just minded his own business.

"Bo-chan, how come you never join your Volleyball club?" Oikawa asked in the middle of their meeting.

Bokuto thought for a second before shrugging his shoulders, "I don't know, I never thought it was that cool,"

"Stupid dumbass, Volleyball is a fun sport. You should try it out sometimes," Kuroo told him. Then he continued, "How about this? You give it a try once. If it's not fun, you can walk away anytime you want to,"

"Alright, I guess. I'll try soon after school starts," Bokuto shrugged his shoulders, still doesn't buy the whole thing but he'll try it anyway

Oikawa suddenly smirked before saying, "Bo-chan and Aka-chan left the party really early last night. Is there something I miss?"

Iwaizumi joined his friend soon, "Oh yeah, I saw you two won the game too, but I didn't know where you two hide,"

"We hid in a Janitor's room. And, Oikawa, you bastard, you lied about the hotel rooms, didn't you!?" Bokuto was a bit furious about the fact he couldn't hide in one of the hotel rooms.

"I didn't think anyone would buy that bullshit, Bo-chan," Oikawa laughed but then he put on a smug face and asked, "So, did you guys frickle-frackle or something?"

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