Chapter 18

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Wheels screeching on the wet asphalt as the car made a sharp right. Unlike regular cars, A Formula One car is an open-wheel, open-cockpit, single-seat racing car for the purpose of being used in Formula One competitions. It is equipped with two wings (front and rear) plus an engine, which is located behind the driver. It really was a big change for the older lad to get used to it until a couple of months of practicing and participating in a few races to adapt.

"That's dangerous, Bokuto," the golden eyed lad heard a voice come through from his helmet as he kept on going straight, the other three of the racers are right on his tail. Then another voice came again, "Stay inside the pit,"

"Roger that," Bokuto replied back as he made sure he's not turning too far from the path where he should be, and soon he gained his speed again.

On the last lap, the white ombre haired lad was defeated and placed on the second position. He grumbled as he stopped the car on the pit-stop and jumped off from the vehicle. Damn, he could have gotten that if he didn't underestimate his teammates. They are more professional than him, of course! But just because his name blooms better than them doesn't mean he should have miscalculated them as newbies.

"Good race today, wasn't it, Bokuto?" One of the crew asked as he took off his full face helmet, a sweat running down to his temple as he quickly wiped it away with the towel that the man gave him.

"It sure was!" Bokuto beamed as he patted his shoulder.

"Right! Is there any problem I could fix from the car? Are the engines alright? Were the fuel too full for the race? Any wheels-errors perhaps?" The mechanic guy asked again which made Bokuto laugh at him.

"I suppose the engines need a little fixer upper. You see, sometimes they let out this weird sound whenever I made an engine-brake during sharp corners," Bokuto told him. "Wheels are fine though,"

"Alrighty! We'll make sure to fix it before your race next month," the guy said and Bokuto nodded before excusing himself.

He walked into the base room as he zip down a little of his jump-suit while observing the scenes before his teammate passed him on the final lap. It was a simple mistake of trying to play it safe, turns out he got easily overtaken by that choice. He can definitely revamp that later. His hair is damp from sweat but still as spiky as ever, and the shiny golden ring that was hung on the necklace around his neck shone as he revealed his chest.

"That was a safe turn you did, mate," Bokuto heard the familiar Hamilton's voice as he entered the base, as sweaty as he is. The senior lad smiled before patting his shoulder, "You should've just taken the chance and break-through,"

Bokuto just laughed. "Yeah, and ended up like the recent crash in France? No thanks, buddy. But I think I should make another move there,"

"Whatever you got, I'm sure you'll pull it off just fine," Hamilton said as he watched the scene together with his teammate. Then he said, "Since we're going to Osaka after this, care for dinner with me and my family?"

"That sounds really nice, but I have to turn down the magnificent offer from the great Lewis Hamilton for now," Bokuto refused but still tried to lighten up the mood.

"It's alright, mate. You've been here for almost 5 years, don't think about it that much. Though, my son is a big fan of you," Hamilton said with a big smile on his face.

"Ah, tell the champ that I miss him too! I should visit him soon," The golden eyed lad said with a laugh.

"Say, we're going to Osaka together, right? What are you going to do there? Is there someone in particular?" The pro-racer asked with a smirk which only caused the other lad to chuckle.

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