Chapter 6

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"Bro, how do you know if we're more than friends?"

Kuroo then turned to his friend with a shock expression, "You like me, bro?"

Bokuto looked up to him from his bed before shrugging his shoulders, "Sure, why not?"

"I'm not even attracted to you, but that's the stupidest confession I've ever received," Kuroo rolled his eyes before continuing to play the games from Bokuto's computer.

His best friend decided to check up on his owl looking friend after the jail accident, but turns out that he's more than fine. They decided to just chill at Bokuto's house for a while because it has been so long since they hung out.

Kuroo and Bokuto were friends since junior high and got separated from high school, however they managed to maintain their friendship even if they're barely together. Just like what Akaashi told previously, Kuroo and Bokuto are troublemakers.

"How did you get out last night? I didn't stay behind after Kenma got me out. Sorry 'bout that," Kuroo asked while his eyes still set on the computer on Bokuto's desk.

"Akaashi got me out," Bokuto said before smiling, "I thought he was going to be so upset when he knew I got arrested. He warned me before the race but I didn't listen,"

"That's some boyfriend goals there. How come you two are still not together until now?" Kuroo chuckled, jokingly teased his pal.

Bokuto then frowned before sulking on his bed, he was lying on his bed, before saying, "That's the thing, bro. I don't know if we're more than friends,"

Kuroo's eyes widened before turning to the sight of his friend with a shock expression. He then asked in a loud voice, "You like Akaashi all this time!?"

Bokuto thought for a second before sitting up, scratching his head with a thoughtful expression. Akaashi is pretty, he loves his eyes though. They're like icy and dark, but at the same time it gives him a strange feeling in his belly and that's an amazing feeling.

Despite his beauty, Bokuto always thinks that Akaashi is very kind and caring for him. He's always there to warn him and make sure he doesn't do stupid stunts. And whenever the older lad didn't listen, Akaashi was more concerned about him in general than yelling at him for not listening.

Akaashi never blamed him for choosing his own path, and he's always there when Bokuto needed him. He gave him the solution to fix his problems, and make sure to be right behind his back if Bokuto tried to fix everything. And when he did it, Akaashi's smile was his favorite praise to receive.

Bokuto smiles fondly at the thought of Akaashi smiling at him, but soon panicked and red-ish blush crept onto his face before nervously saying, "DO I LIKE AKAASHI?"

"I DON'T KNOW, DO YOU?" Kuroo somehow got influenced into the tension in the room and he became even more panicked as well.

"I do!" Bokuto somehow slapped his cheeks with both of his hands with a serious expression.

His friend suddenly asked, "Isn't that the phrase you're only meant to use when you're going to get married?"

"Oh, you're right! Should I get married to Akaashi?" Bokuto asked his friend and the other friend just nodded his head. There's no end for this.

"But listen, we're talking about Akaashi here. We can't joke about your friendship with him," Kuroo said as he switched off his pal's computer and slid with the seat as he turned it around so the backrest is in front of him so he can lean towards it. The pal asked, "What do you feel about him?"

Bokuto thought for a second as he started to think again. He genuinely feels ten times better whenever his younger friend is around, he also feels like his heart would explode in a good when Akaashi says something cute like making promises together. He also wouldn't deny the fact that his heart would go doki doki whenever Akaashi's lick his lower lips.

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