Chapter 15

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Hands gripped on those slimmer waist, tongue tied into each other as if today is their last day breathing. That morning was really peaceful for their likings, but it isn't like they have any other things to do since it's their weekend. Akaashi whimpered as his boyfriend gently kept him in place on that soft bed, giving him the most passionate kiss in the morning.

"Bokuto-san...," he whispered as he felt him entering his tongue into his mouth, loving the hands that were ghosting on his sides - running shivers down to his spine. Once they parted a little with their foreheads against each other, the younger lad smiled while closing his eyes while cupping his boyfriend's face. He announced, "Good morning,"

"Wish I could wake up to this every morning with you," Bokuto said as he gave him one last peck on the lips before dropping his whole body on top of his poor boyfriend.

Akaashi grunts at the weight before running his fingers through that ombre white haired lad with a sleepy smile on his face. He asked, "How was your sleep?"

"Great. Amazing. You name it," Bokuto mumbled as he started to feel even more sleepy than before.

"Would you like some breakfast? I can make some waffles," Akaashi suggested.

Bokuto nodded his head but didn't move a single muscle. "We can do that later. Let's stay on the bed for a little while,"

Akaashi laughed a little before agreeing since it is a lazy Saturday morning for them. They don't have anything left to do for now, their homework is still waiting patiently on their desks but they can do that later on if they want to. They still have Sunday to make it up. It's a rare day for them to finally be able to just lay here with each other's arms wrapped around each other.

The morning air is surely chilling, they can feel the soft wind from Akaashi's window despite already being closed. The sun is already up yet the curtain prevents it from coming into the comfortable bedroom. The useless futon on the ground is still lying there untouched since last night, yet those muscular arms still made Akaashi's night warmer than the thick blankets. It sure was a prodigious night, Bokuto was right.

With those delicate touches on Bokuto's head from his boyfriend, the golden eyed lad found himself getting sleepier and snuggled closer to smell the usual scent from him. Remember when he said his morning fresh scent is his favorite? He might take that back because now his just-woke-up scent is his favorite. They smell like him even more, and Bokuto adores it.

"I forgot to ask," Akaashi started. "Why did your mother kick you out? Did you do something?"

Bokuto pouted before telling him, "When I told her that I broke the doors at school, she was really upset. She said something about me being childish,"

"Understandable," The younger lad giggled.

"Akaashi! You're supposed to be on my side! Aren't you my boyfriend?" Bokuto pouted, tugging his lower lip upward as he found those dark blue eyes.

"I am your boyfriend. I'm being super supportive in giving you a place to stay, aren't I?" Akaashi smirked back which caused Bokuto to blush in embarrassment before looking away. He then asked again, "Did she say anything else? Anything specific? I'd like to help in your situation,"

"Well...," Bokuto rested his chin on his boyfriend's soft chest before starting to think about their previous argument. Should he say it? He knows how to handle his mother's lesson, it isn't really a problem. He understood well what she meant, therefore should he explain it to his boyfriend?

It's not like it's a big deal, it's not like he's in trouble or anything but he doesn't like keeping things by himself. Akaashi isn't involved in his problem, this is more like his own individual dilemma - so it's obvious that his beautiful boyfriend doesn't have to help him. But then again, a little help wouldn't hurt, right? However, Akaashi helps him a lot since day one, can't he just do this on his own? At least, for now?

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