Chapter 8

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A few weeks after their first date, Bokuto texted Akaashi to meet him up at the mall. He said there's something about an owl plushie and he needs to see it, his parents wouldn't go there with him and Kuroo is being an ass so he dragged his friend there. To be honest, after their first date, nothing really changed except the late calls and cute yet lame pick-up lines that Bokuto or Akaashi shared together, but that's it.

The younger lad is a bit confused about what is going on between him and his favorite person, but he can tell that they're not friends anymore at this point. They still act like they're best friends, however best friends don't hug and kiss on the cheeks and tell them they like them with all their hearts. Well, yes, they do that, but to Akaashi this is a different problem.

Bokuto didn't even try to fix it, he's too preoccupied with something from his world and that made him frustrated. How can they just go on an amazing first date then go back to just 'be friends'? The dark blue eyed lad can tell that Bokuto wouldn't want that either, but neither of them aren't making any progress.

Are they friends? Are they lovers now? Can they kiss on the lips? Is it illegal for them to kiss? Akaashi has a lot of questions in his head but he doesn't have the energy to ask his friend about their relationship. However, Bokuto still clings to him as if he already devoted his heart to him. He's just confused and the situation is unclear for him.

He's already waiting for his favorite person to arrive, he's waiting near the kid's indoor playground since that's the only waiting seats available. He watched as the kids were playing around with each other, making new friendships at such a young age. Now to think about it, some of them reminded him of Bokuto's behavior and Akaashi can only sigh about it.

"AKAASHI!" He flinched at the sudden loud noise and a few screams from the other corridors.

The voice sounded very familiar that he even stood up from his seat. A few people are looking at him with a shock expression, but Akaashi is more surprised. He recognized that voice! He can hear some other noises like people yelling and shoes stomping on the floor as if they're running. Wait, what the heck is going on?

Soon, the owl looking lad came up from the corridor with a bike! Akaashi's dark blue eyes widened, totally didn't see a day where Bokuto would enter a mall with a bike! The older lad pulled two breaks as he stopped right in front of his friend while panting hard.

"Bokuto-san!?" Akaashi wanted to yell but he's just speechless. Did he seriously just steal a security's bike to stroll around the mall? Wait, he doesn't look like he's strolling, he looks more like running away from something.

"Akaashi, get on the handlebar! We need to leave PSA!" Bokuto told him with fear in his eyes, sweats running down from his forehead. This dork.

"It's ASAP, but where are we going? What's going on? Is it safe?" Akaashi questioned all the situations which only make the older lad even more stressed than earlier.

"I'll explain about it later! Come on, we don't have much time-," Bokuto grabbed his friend's wrist but then a group of people interrupted their conversations.

"Hey! You there, who stole my bike! Stop!" Three securities from the mall point their fingers to the ombre white dyed haired lad which made him even more nervous.

"Akaashi, come on!" Bokuto literally pulled the younger lad to the front of the bike, forcing him to sit on the handlebar which the younger lad obeyed but with wide eyes of shock.

"Bokuto-san, I don't think you can see what's in front of you if I sit like this. And, I don't-," Akaashi tried to argue with him but the bike suddenly moved unexpectedly which made the dark blue eyed lad grab on the handlebars tighter, his blue eyes went wide as the wind got stronger and stronger.

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