Chapter 1

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Akaashi is a second year student, a simple student with his head set in the game. He really doesn't have any reason to stay by his friend's side, Bokuto. He always has an idea that the older lad will need him to help his ass out of his misery that he created for himself at the end of the day, hence avoiding him in general is really not an option for him to choose. He knows it well that Bokuto will drag Akaashi with him anyways, so why avoid?

Him and his friend have been friends since the first day of high school in Fukurodani Academy, he memorized all the good and bad things from his friend because of his habit - or he, in general, is interested in him but has never expressed that to him before. Bokuto's mother even begged the younger lad to make sure that her son is doing his best in school, get good grades, and keep him out of trouble. Oh, how sad to say that it's obviously the opposite.

"Akaashi, what day is it today again?" Bokuto asked, slinging his bag on his head while he put his hands in his pants' pockets.

"It's Friday," Akaashi answered as they waited for the train to arrive. He then asks the older lad, "Why did you ask?"

"Ugh, Friday's subjects are boriiiinggg," the golden eyed lad whined as he received a little bit of attention in public because of how loud he was, and at this point Akaashi is used to it.

"Maybe if you pay a little bit of attention to the teachers, it won't be that awful," he said, trying to prove a point that his friend is lazy and everyday's the same.

"Akaashi! I do pay attention!" Bokuto suddenly exclaimed and the younger lad just sighed at him. It's only early morning, yet he has to hear his friend's loudness instead of something relaxing.

"Says the one who failed his English test," he pointed out his evidence that Bokuto didn't pay attention at all in class.

"Akaashi! That's supposed to be our secret!" Bokuto this time blushed in embarrassment, fear that his friend might leak some more secrets than he already had.

Lucky for Akaashi, the train arrived and they entered to get to their school. Fukurodani high school is a little bit far from their homes, hence they took the train to get there. They could use the car but Bokuto is a terrible driver, and Akaashi doesn't have his driving license yet. Good thing from that, Fukurodani prohibited the students to bring cars to school except bicycles so it's basically impossible for them to bring the car to school.

But it's not like it's going to stop the older lad, Akaashi knows that Bokuto has his own unique ways to get whatever he wants. That's why he always gets into trouble. Lucky for him, Akaashi is always there to save his day. It'll be weird for him too if there's no stupid trouble that Bokuto invented for a day, it becomes his schedule to, at least, have one meeting with the headmaster about what his friend did.

15 minutes passed, they arrived at their school with students walking to their classes. Bokuto has put his bag around his shoulder like a normal person does, that means Akaashi won't receive anymore stares on why he's still walking beside that spiky half-dyed white haired lad. A few people greeted the super star in the school for making trouble, and wondered how in the world he can pull off some pranks and walk away as if nothing happened. That's an easy answer, Bokuto has Akaashi.

"I'm hungry. Do you want breakfast, Akaashi?" Bokuto asked as they passed the cafeteria.

"No, thank you. But I'll accompany you," the dark short curly raven haired lad said before following him to buy some more food before class.

Bokuto then sulked on the one of the tables beside his friend, "I don't want to be in class today. The subjects are boring and they're giving me a headache,"

"You'll fail all your tests if you skip class, Bokuto-san," Akaashi tried to boost his mood but that doesn't help much.

"I don't want to be in class, I don't want to be in class, I don't want to be in class...," the older lad muttered under his breath as he bit and chewed his fresh-out-of-the-oven bread, putting his chin on the table with a pout like a little kid.

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