Chapter 7

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The next evening, Akaashi walked down to the first floor of his house with two unbuttons of his dark red shirt with tight skinny black jeans. He wanted to style his raven hair to make it look even better, but it seems impossible since his hair is curly and is very difficult for them to stay put hence he decided to leave it like that.

Akaashi saw his father watching the tv from the sofa with his mother beside him, they decided to eat dinner on the sofa since he told them that he's going out tonight with Bokuto and they allow him to. When his mother turned her head to her son, she gasped before smiling proudly at him.

"Kei, my sweet boy. You look very handsome tonight," Akaashi blushed at his own mother's compliment before looking at himself in the mirror once again, feeling a bit insecure about his own appearance.

"Do I look too much? Should I change?" He asked his mother, but soon his father followed the conversation.

"You look okay, son. Don't bother," he said with a smile. "Say, is Koutarou going to meet you with a pretty lady tonight?"

Akaashi frowned a little before making a note  to himself that both of his parents don't know about the whole of him and Bokuto's new relationship. Though he admitted nothing is new between them, but he can sense something is changing as well. And that scares him; the changes.

"No, I... He's...," Akaashi is afraid if they're even on the same page as him, but he knows he can't show them the thing between him and Bokuto. Not now, at least.

"Aww, Keiji. It's natural for you to be nervous. I hope Koutarou brings a nice lady for you," His mother commented afterwards which he just nodded.

Thankfully, someone finally knocked on the front door and his parents were quickly alerted by the noise. Akaashi didn't hear a car passing by his house, he assumed Bokuto didn't bring his car this time. Looks like they're not going far, that's a relief to know.

His mother opened the door with her husband not far behind, revealing Bokuto with his usual spiky ombre white hair up but he wears a black t-shirt with a green jumper jacket as the outer, and he wears a black jeans to make him look cooler.

"It's good to see you again, Koutarou," Akaashi's mother smiled fondly at him, truly happy that her son hangs with a boy like him.

"The feeling is mutual, ma'am," he grins widely, his hands were in his jacket's pockets. That evening is a bit cold, but he still looks like a warm teddy bear to cuddle with. The golden eyed lad then glanced at the father of the house and greeted him, "How are you doin', Mr. Akaashi?"

The father is a bit surprised by the friendly greeting before chuckling, "Nothing much, Koutarou. How about you, boy? Anything interesting?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm taking your son on a date tonight," Bokuto grinned happily at them but their reactions are the opposite.

Akaashi bit his lower lip as he felt a blush crept on his cheeks, not because of the cold but because of how he addresses himself as his date tonight. It's not a bad thing at all to him, it's not like Akaashi can completely stop the time to shut his date's lips but he didn't dislike it at all.

His parents slowly turned their heads to their son with wide eyes, didn't expect him to go on a date with the same sex - not just that, but his own best friend too. Bokuto is such a sweetheart in both of their eyes, yet Akaashi takes the risks to develop their relationship to something even more beautiful.

"A date? With my son?" Akaashi's father repeated Bokuto's words but his eyes still stared at his son. He can't deny the fact that his own son is also head over heels for Bokuto because the look on his face is the answer. His father crossed his arms on his chest before raising an eyebrow at his son, "Care to explain yourself, Keiji?"

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