Chapter 17

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The pink cherry blossom leaves are falling from the soft blue sky after a full year waiting to be harvested, and the time has finally arrived. Everyone cheered as they celebrated today's special occasion of seeing the famous Sakura flower blooms very appealing on coloring the charming city of Tokyo. They raised a glass for today's victory, and for tomorrow, they can only wait for what would happen in the future.

The pink flower fell to the dark blue eyed lad's hand as he kept on spreading his hands, waiting patiently for the leaf to land on his hand. When he saw the flower in his grasp, he was unable to help but smile at the flowers that had chosen his hands to land on to. Ah, this is very calming, the boy thought as he gently lifted them up on the air again and watched as they flew away.

This year may or may not be very lonely for Akaashi, the boy who has won the special certain boy's heart from Fukurodani. His days were usually full of thrilling adventures, exciting on-going plans, painful goodbyes, and lover-type of kisses - but now it's like his chest is hollow. It's very dull, not as colorful as he thought it would be. When the third years said their goodbyes to Akaashi, the dark blue eyed lad sent them a wishful hope for them to be the best and up until now, they haven't disappointed the younger lad yet - and hopefully never.

His boyfriend, Bokuto Koutarou, has never surprised him more than he did last year. He informed the younger lad after three months of seeking for Universities with the suitable major as his brain, he decided to have a gap-year. During those months of going out of the city, Bokuto only sent a letter to his family that he'll be staying in Suzuka for a year. Little did his parents know, Bokuto was with Akaashi during that time.

It was a really simple explanation on that night. They were in Akaashi's bedroom, they were staring at each other's eyes as one of them kept on rambling on about his new future which is in Suzuka. It will take him approximately 5 hours to get there from Tokyo via private transportation. Bokuto has sold his Dodge to Washio which gave him enough cash to live there. It was simple and decided, so who is Akaashi to stop him?

But on that night, he might have shared a tear or two. That means, while he's here in Tokyo, his boyfriend would be in Suzuka - far away and took time and effort to get there, and yet Bokuto already prepared for that. Akaashi still has a year left until he can follow his steps but what stops him was when his lover told him that they made a very good contract for him to play. It went something like this;

"The Mercedes team gave me a deal. If I practice with them for a year to build up my racing skill, I can actually be in that team," Bokuto explained ever so gently to make his vulnerable lover understand. His voice is so serene, trying so hard not to scare his boyfriend about his future plan. He continued, "And for the 2021 formula one race, they will hold it in our circuit, Suzuka Circuit. I say that's a really good deal. I still have like two to three years to develop this skill of mine then I'll be their main racer for the upcoming race,"

Akaashi didn't say anything, but he's truly happy that his boyfriend found this opportunity as a challenge to prove himself or anyone that he can be a better racer and race like he did when he was younger. It started as a curiosity that formed into a hidden talent. And by that, Akaashi is truly elated to hear that, especially coming from his boyfriend's lips. However, no words could be found. His lips were trembled, biting his lower lip to prevent his happy tears from escaping from his eyes.

"Keiji...," Bokuto didn't wait for permission as he brought him to his arms. He was only 18, but he knows Akaashi like the back of his hand. Despite him being happy for his boyfriend, Bokuto can read him that there are these tiny feelings that are doubting him and that's alright.

"I don't understand anything you said," Akaashi told him truthfully while sniffling in his broad chest, and Bokuto just smiled at him before giving him a soft kiss on his head. "But I think that's a really good deal,"

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