Chapter 4

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The first day of Summer is like a truck going at a high speed on a highway for Akaashi. One wrong move then it'll crash and ruin everything. It was hot, very sunny, and very crowded in any places he visits. He tried to have a nice jog at the park but he quickly turned around and jogged somewhere else when the park is filled with so many people.

It was a horrible jog too, it was too sunny and Akaashi is literally sweating much more than usual. After that, he received a text from Bokuto about hanging out at this open field to play free Soccer. What a coincidence, Akaashi isn't that far from where Bokuto is so he jogged there as a cooling down.

"Akaashi!" The older lad grinned as he saw his figure from afar. "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Hello, Bokuto-san," the younger lad unplugged the headset from his ear as he tugged them along with his phone to his pockets. "Good morning,"

"It's afternoon, but hello!" He greeted him. "How was your jog?"

"It was fine. What are you doing here, Bokuto-san?" The younger lad asked.

"Oh, I was hanging out with random kids to play soccer," Bokuto said before turning his head back to the kids, he then yelled, "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Nice game, Bokuto-san!" The kids yelled back as they bowed at him and the older lad just laughed.

"Thanks for the game, kiddos! Nice game! See ya around!" Bokuto said goodbye as he walked away from the open field with Akaashi following him. "Are you hungry? We should get lunch together,"

"Sure," The younger lad nodded as they walked to the nearest restaurant together. They bought a table for two and ate their lunch happily. Akaashi hummed at the food before eating it as if his life depends on it.

"So, Kuroo is going to throw a Summer party soon, and we're invited," Bokuto said as he slurped his food, grinning happily when the taste hit his stomach.

"Oh, that's great," Akaashi said, looking forward to it because he likes seeing his friend being himself, even though sometimes he'll annoy someone to death but Akaashi will allow it because of how happy he looks.

Though, the younger lad admits that sometimes Kuroo always tries to pull some challenges that are convincing for the owl looking lad to join. And some of his challenges are quite... dangerous. Akaashi almost slumped his shoulders when he remembered Bokuto almost breaking his neck when he jumped from the roof to the swimming pool with Kuroo. At the end of the day, he must come with him to prevent him from getting into those types of stunts.

"The party is tomorrow night. Pick you up tomorrow at 5?" Bokuto looked up to meet Akaashi's irresistible dark blue eyes.

"We can meet up at the train station if you want," the younger lad suggested but the golden eyed lad shook his head.

"We're going there with my car. Don't worry, I'll drive!" Bokuto grinned.

"Bokuto-san, the last time you drive, you almost hit the traffic light," Akaashi said with a frown.

"That was the old me! I can drive better now! I'll keep both of us safe until we get to Kuroo's!" Bokuto said with so much enthusiasm.

"I don't feel safer with what you just said," Akaashi frowned as he took another bite of his food.

"Akaashi! That's really mean!" The younger lad smiled a little as he saw the little pouty lips from the older lad, he really is cute.

After eating the food, Bokuto said he paid for the food and Akaashi is a bit upset about that because he didn't agree to eat lunch together so the older lad can pay for all of it. But it's not like he can say anything since the boy with the golden eyes already shoved the money at the cashier. As they walked out from the restaurant, a young employee called after them.

TROUBLEMAKER // BokuAkaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz