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Jimins pov

I smile watching jungkook looking around and naming things, he points at the table and giggles "table!!" I smile "that's right baby!" He points to the light "light!" I nod.
He continues with stuff all around the room and he then walks to me "did I get them right jiminie?"

I nod "all of them! Well done baby! You're so so smart!", He giggles and nods "I'm the smartest!!!" He then tilts his head "what does that mean again?" I laugh a little and kiss his head "it means you know lots of things and you get things right" he nods "then I'm very very smart!"

I smile and pull him into my lap "what else have you learned from the others baby?" He looks at me "from taehyung I learned the stages to relationships" I tilt my head "what?" He nods

"number one is hugging and cuddling, number two is kissing, number three is....hickeys?....I'm not sure what that means but he said that....then number three is apparently you touching my ass..... but I don't have a donkey so you can't do that....number four I've apparently already done which is a.......blowjob?.....and then number five is fucki-"

I cut him off "THATS ENOUGH OF THAT!" I kiss his head "don't listen to anything taehyungs says....he's a stupid-" he pouts and cuts me off "that's mean jiminie" I kiss his head again "sorry baby....you wait here okay? I'm gonna go speak with Tae okay?" He nods and I put him on the couch next to me.

I walk to taehyung who was in the kitchen and I slap the back of his head "what the fuck is wrong with you! Don't teach my baby those nasty things! He is still innocent!" Taehyung laughs "he needs to know jimin! He's a growing boy!" I slap him again "don't teach him anymore taehyung!"

I walk back to Jungkook and smile seeing him mumbling to himself cutely. I walk to him and he looks at me and smiles "jiminie! Is everything okay?" I nod "of course it is.... taehyung won't be teaching you anything anymore because he is busy", jungkook nods "oh okay!",

I pick him up and he gasps and wraps his arms around my neck "jiminie what are you doing?" I chuckle and then sit down with him on my lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me and he rests his forehead against mine and smiles "I love you jiminie"

I smile "I love you too jungkookie" he giggles and then kisses me deeply making me gasp a little. I kiss back and then pull away when I hear jisoo giggling. Jungkook pouts "I want more kisses" I chuckle "later baby...later you can have all the kisses you want but jisoo is here now"

He crosses his arms "I want jiminie kisses now!" Jisoo giggles "I can come back later?" I look at her "you can stay here in the palace until I'm free from this whiny baby" she giggles and then I gasp when jungkook puts his hands on my cheeks and moves my head back and kisses me again.

I kiss back and then he moves his hands to my chest.
After a few moments he pulls away and smiles wrapping his arms around my neck again and leaning his head on my shoulder "thank you jiminie..."

I tilt my head "what for baby?" He kisses my neck a little "for making me happy" my Breath hitches and then I smile when I hear his cute snores. I pick him up "all that learning tired you out baby boy" I walk to our room and lay him down on the bed and then tuck him in nicely.

I then walk to jisoo who sighs "there is a big problem..........

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