found you~

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Jimins pov
(3 weeks later)

"I SAID WHERE IS THE WITCH?!!!" I stand with my arms crossed in front of yoongi, taehyung,hoseok,Jin and Namjoon, Namjoon shrugs "we've looked everywhere a witch would hide!" I growl "you fucking dumbasses! He's probably with a vampire family!"

They all look at one another,I huff "I have to do everything myself! Taehyung come with me" he nods and stands up, I look at the others "I will find the witch myself!" They all look down, I walk to my mother and father and smile "eomma, Appa I am going out....i am going to find that witch"

My mum smiles and nods "be careful jimin..." My dad chuckles "bring the monster home son, don't kill it yet, i want to see it's ugly monstorus face" I nod "yea father.... taehyung is coming with me....I'll be back soon" they both nod, I smile and put my blazer on and look at taehyung "let's go hunt down a witch"

He nods, we walk out, I sigh when I see loads of people stood around the castle gates, people scream and cameras flash. I roll my eyes and we walk to the gate, the gates open and I look around "SHUT IT!" Everyone goes silent.

I move around and look at every person in the crowd, I growl "do any of you have the witch in your house?!" Taehyung taps my shoulder "scaring them won't help you in any way jimin" I huff and cross my arms "fine, if one of you tells me where I can find the witch I will personally thank you" loads of people raise their hands and yell things out

I gasp a little when I hear one vampire say "you can have the peice of shit! All it does it's sit in the attic" I smirk and look at taehyung "looks like our little witch friend is with a vampire family.....just like I said" I walk over to the man "lead me to your home" he nods "yes sir"

I follow the man with taehyung to a small house, I tilt my head "how many people live here?" The man opens the door "me, my wife and two sons....and obviously the witch" I nod and we walk inside, a woman gasps "y-your Highness, welcome" she bows, I nod "thanks....where is it?"

The woman points to a broken ladder "its up there....there is no way up though" that's a bit harsh....I look at the man "do you feed it?" He shakes his head "nope and he gets yelled at and hit every day...he is told to clean everything and in return he's got a small cauldron"

I look at taehyung who was pouring "that poor boy" I growl at him "it's a witch tae" he sighs "but still....I'm sure he's still young....he doesn't know anything" i huff and then look at the woman "is there any way up?" She shakes her head "no...we can-"
"Taehyung boost me up, I need to reach the top and then I can walk to the door"

He nods and then gets on one knee, I step up on his leg, he then pushes me up by the bottom of my foot, I climb up and then huff, taehyung looks at me "there could've been an easier way to do that....y'know you can turn into a bat" I shake my head "no I can't...eomma said I shouldn't do that... especially in daylight"

Taehyung rolls his eyes "help me up then" I lean down a little and he grabs my hand, I pull him up, he Huffs and climbs up, we both stand up and brush ourselves off. He gasps a little "oh....this poor boy....jimin look" I look behind me to see a door with signs all over it saying
'keep out'

Maybe this is a bit harsh on the boy. I walk to the door and put my ear to the door to hear a small voice "why can't I break it...hmmm....maybe like this?" I then hear a glass smash followed by a cute giggle.

I tilt my head and whisper "you sure this is the witch???" Taehyung shrugs, I bang on the door "open up!" I hear moving around and then the small voice "n-no!" I growl "I said... OPEN UP!" I hear crying

Taehyung sighs "jimin she isn't gonna open the door if she's scared....let me try" I huff and move back

.......... jungkooks pov.........

I haven't Hurd from my friends in 3 weeks....I'm worried....have they forgotten me?...

I sigh and lift my hand and try to break a glass, I pout "why can't I break if??" I stand up and walk to the glass "hmmmmm.....maybe like this" I hover my hand over the glass and it breaks, I giggle....I did it!

I then jump when I hear a knock followed by a deep voice...but it's not my 'dads' "open up!" I use my magic to keep the door shut, I move around and put a huge box in front of the door "n-no!" There is then a growl "I said..... OPEN UP!!"

I start to cry, I bring my knees to my chest....w-who i-is this?!
There is shuffling from outside the room, there is then a deeper voice but it was calming "hey little gonna come out?....we won't hurt name is taehyung and I'm part of the royal family.... we'd like to meet you....come on out"

Little girl??????
Does he mean me???
And who is the royal family?? Are they vampires???

I hesitate but stand up and move the box, I go to unlock the door but then hear a growl again, I stop and step back "n-n-n-no.... y-y-you're l-l-lying!" The calm voice then says "no...I promise me and my friend won't hurt you....we want to take you away from these bad people"

I grab my bunny plushie that my mum got me and hold it tightly to my chest, I then unlock the door and then quickly run back to my cauldron and hide behind it. I hear the door open and I see two figures walk in. Both really tall, one with brown curly hair and one with silver hair....who are these people??

The silver haired one Huffs "did those assholes lie to us?" Taehyung shakes his head "shut up jimin.. she's scared...stay still and dont hurt him yet okay?"
The silver nods "fine...where is she?" They both look around, curly hair gasps "there's the cauldron!" I whimper and then gasp when someone lifts the cauldron up

I look up to see two vampires, the curly hair one puts the cauldron down and crouches down "you're a boy??" I nod "y-y-yes" the silver one smirks and crouches down "this will be fun~" my eyes widen....what does that mean?!!

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