Chapter 14.

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Shit about to go down...

Hawks' POV

Opening my eyes slightly, soon realization hits me, my eyes widen soon pushing him away.
Moving away, putting the back of my hand towards my lips.
"THE HELL, YOU KISSED ME!?!?" I yell flushed, he's looking at me.
"You didn't stop me?" He says, I winced looking down.
Wait...he's right...why didn't I?
I could feel my heart beating faster.
"I just got into the moment, I guess...BUT STILL!" I huff.
That still didn't give him the right...
Glancing down.
"You've been toying with my heart, forcing my feelings for a dead man..." I say, he flinches for some reason, glancing up at him.
"Do you even love me, or are you just using me to just learn the feeling of love...?" I say, we make eyes contact for a second then he looks away.
"Say something-SAY SOMETHING DAMMIT!" I shout, tears running down my face.
I knew it...
I look down, tear drops falls to the floor.
"I should of known..." I say, he looks over at him.
"Just...leave me alone..." I say, turning away.
He soon walks past me I could hear him whisper as he walks past.
"I'm sorry..."
My eyes go wide, as I watch him exit.

Dabi's POV

Listening to Hawks, putting my hand up towards him soon stopping midway.
I wish I could tell you everything, me or should I say Touya my formal name, and how I truly feel...but I can't...
Looking away, soon I walk past him whispering to him as I walk past.
Grasping the roof's door handle, opening it I walk through, the door still cracked open, I glance through at Hawks, turned.
I sigh, turning away, I walk down the stairs, sudden vibrations coming from the coat pocket, taking out my phone, to see Twice calling.
I groan, soon answering.
I hear him yell, forcing me to move the phone away.
"OI, don't yell!" I shout at him, annoyed.
"My bad, NO WHY AREN'T YOU HERE SHIGARAKI IS PISSED!?" He shouts, putting the phone away from my ear.
"I just got caught up with something..." I replied, I could hear Toga in the background.
I sigh, before answering.
"Yeah-yeah, I know!"
Hanging up, putting my phone down, I look back.
I wonder if he's-
I sighs.
Not like he'll listen...
Turning my head, I start back to walking down.
Soon in a abandoned building, walking towards the exit, stopping I glance at a open window flowing a feather, I reach out to grab it.
Bringing the feather closer to me, messing the feather through my fingers.
I gently frown, smile. I slip it in my pocket, walking towards the exit.

(Time skip)

Walking towards the streets turning to the Hideout, grasping on the door, opening it. Everyone stares at him, walking to a stool of the bar, sitting down.
"What took you?"
I hear Shigaraki speak a stool next to me, I glare at him then away.
He sighs, moving his hand away from his face.
"Let's now finally start this meeting..." He says, I glance over.
"We know the heroes are gain grounds, we are losing associates, comrades, but since we now have NO. 2 being a bouble agent, we now have a comeback..." He says, soon glancing at me.
"Remember if NO. 2 tries anything, kill him..." He says, I look away.
"Yeah I know, you don't have to remind me..." I say, touching the feather within the pocket.
He turns away to Toga.
"Dabi you'll be taking a break off of NO. 2... Toga and you have a assignment..."
He says, perking me.
"I'd like you to kill this certain person..." He adds, holding out a photo.
My eyes slowly widen.


(Into the past)

Sitting on porch floor, watching the koi swimming in the pond a few feet in front of me, spacing, smoke resonating off me, feeling my skin burning.
I've gotten used to the pain of my flames burning me alive...
Small blue flames blowing off me, hearing footsteps closing in.
I hear from behind, glancing over at Shoto walking closer to me, my flames dying down.
"Hey Sho..." I say smiling slightly, he soon sitting next to me, looking down at him.
Looking at his newly bandaged bandages, I look away at mine.
" know you can come to me..." I say, he looks at me then his bandages.
"I-I know...but I don't want you to worry..." He says forcing a smile upon his face, glancing over at me, I reach my arm past, over his shoulders, pulling him in.
"I'm always worry about you Sho, I can't help not to being in this house..." I say, holding him closer, him hugging me.

That was the last time I held Shoto...

Quietly walking through the halls, holding a bag full of my stuff.
Today's the day I leave and never look back...
Farewell, Sho...
Sliding the door, soon getting stopped.
"Guessing you're not coming back are you..."
I hear a voice from behind me, turning to see Natsou leaning against a wall.
I look down, he walks over to me, I soon drop the bag onto the floor, we soon hold each other.
"You know, I miss you..." He says, I hold him tighter.
"I-" I get cut off by a sudden voice from a far.
We loosen, both turning to see Fuyumi, breath heavy, she runs over to us, lucky her footsteps a quiet, she soon stops.
"Do you have to?" She says crying, I look down at the floor.
"Yes..." I reply, she immediately hugs me, flinches, I soon hug her back.
"Watch over Sho for me..." I say to Natsou, now crying, he nods, I put my arm out for him, he comes in.
"I'll miss you guys..." I whisper to them, they soon let go of me, I reach down to grab my bag, swing it, hanging on my shoulder, look back at them.
Natsou wipping his tears away, Fuyumi holding her chest, soon wiping her tears.
"I'll see you guys again..." I say, before walking out the door.

That was the last time...before my flames burned me alive...I "died"...


Hawks' POV

Flying towards my apartment, I could feel my wings giving out, I soon land not so gracefully onto the porch of my apartment, sitting.
"Dammit..." I mumble, trying to get up, but my legs failing to work, forcing me to fall back down, I sigh.
Guess I'll stay here...
I look up at the stars above me, spacing out thought hazing my mind.
"Why did he have to be so much like him..."
I shut my eyes, holding my chest, cold winds flowing through me, hair, wings.
I rest myself against the bar fence, my wings bent, numbing.
Clouds covering the stars, moon light fading, darkeness engulfs me.

It's going to rain...

...just great...

That's all of this chapter!
I felt like crying making this...
I hope you enjoyed it at least!
Hope to be seeing you in the next chapter, BYE!

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