Chapter 3.

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Hey! (*'∇')ノ
I'm still shooked that your still here like this story is soooo crappy!
I guess, enjoy chapter 3!

Hawks' POV

After Dabi shot flames to my feet, dodging it smoke came at me, coughing my eyes sightly open, trying to see where Toga went through the smoke, hearing Dabi in the background.
Coughing, I flapped my wings a little to clear up the smoke surrounding me. Opening my eyes more as the smoke clears, looking to see Toga holding onto Dabi that's bleeding out. Looking at Dabi nearly ready to pass out, a frown formed on my face.
"Why do I feel guilt, his a villain?" I thought while I watch them get away, reclaiming my scattered feathers I turn around, spreading my wings ready to take out, but suddenly something stopped me, "DABI PLEASE WAKE UP YOUR HEAVY!" I could hear Toga yelling from a far, I glance towards they're direction.
"Damnit!" I mumble to myself as I fly over to them, Toga flinches taking out her knife or at least trying while holding onto Dabi still, landing I put my hands up.
"I'm here to help!" I say trying to get closer, "HOW CAN I TRUST YOU!?" Toga yells in frustration, I could see tears forming.
"I don't care if you trust me or not as a "hero" its my job to help others!" I reply, Toga turning her eyes on Dabi passed out in her arms, bleeding.
"B-But you did" she stuttering with her words, "I know...and I want to make it up I know it's not what you'd expect from a hero, but I do feel guilt..." I mumbled towards the last couple of words, Toga looks at me, then nods letting me pick up Dabi bridal style. "Where's your-" Toga cuts me off, "CAN'T TELL!" She shouts starling me a bit where I almost dropped Dabi. "Alrighty then where can we-" I cut myself off as a thought crossed my mind, "We can go to my place then!" I say, looking at Toga.
Toga nods.
"But the LOV..." Toga mumbled so I couldn't quite get it, I smile.
"If you can't come then I'll make sure Dabi gets better, okay!" I say with a wink, making Toga smile and giggle.
"OKAY!" She replied, running off I look at Dabi for a second, suddenly I heard Toga yell.
I flinch a bit with a nervous smile, she grins then starts to run off again.
I watched her go, then I hear a cough coming from Dabi, flinching I turn my attention to him.
"Okay don't die or I'll die!" I say, spreading my wings then taking off.

(Time skip)

Landing on my porch of my apartment building, my eyes settled on Dabi's face, blush forms on my cheeks.
"He's actually kinda hot more I look at him...WAIT WHAT NO NO NO-" I could feel my face turning red, I shake my head trying to get my mind off of Dabi's looks. Walking into my apartment, I gently put Dabi down onto my couch, quickly I race to get him all fixed up with bandages. I sigh, after bandaging up Dabi, turning my attention to his face again.
"He looks somewhat familiar..." I thought, leaning in closer to his face. Suddenly eyes open wide, looking straight into turquoise eyes.

Dabi's POV

I wake up to Hawks staring at me, for some reason my face felt red, staring into his golden-ish eyes.
"Um...?" I say awkwardly, making Hawks flinch and quickly moving away from me, I blink.
"Was he blushing?"

Hawks' POV

Quickly moving away from Dabi, blushing I hold my cheeks with both of my hands.
"WHY AM I BLUSHING, DAMNIT!?" I yell at myself, turning my wings to Dabi.
"Why...Where am I?" Dabi asks, slowly sitting up, turning myself to where my body is facing him. "Well your um at my place, after well my attack on your body I for some reason felt quilty from what I did and decided to fix you up or well help you..." I say looking down at my hand that are whittling thumbs, Dabi looking around the apartment.
"This looks too depressing..." he says, pissing me off, I give him an annoyed glare.
"SHUT IT, LIKE YOURS IS ANY BETTER YOU BURNT PIECE OF SHIT!" I huffed, standing up and storming off away from him, I could hear Dabi laughing from behind.
"Wow, did I make the little birdy upset!" Dabi says mockingly, I turn towards him.
"REALLY! ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO GET KILLED!" I shouts, Dabi grins making me blush.
"Maybe, but I doubt you could kill me even if you tried!" He chuckles, "WHAT!? WELL NEXT TIME I'M NOT GOING TO SAVE YOUR SORRY ASS!" I shout, "Like I wanted to be saved by you!" He says turning away from me.
I groan with frustration, I walked up to him, grabbing his shirt pulling him closer to the point that our noses are almost touching.
"I saved you, because even though you are a villain you have your own morals, as do I so just laying down waiting for death and just giving up, isn't an option!" I say, soon letting him go, looking away from him.
"What if death is what I need..." Dabi reply, I flinch looking at him, his turquoise eyes hypnotizing me. I sigh, moving away from him. "Then if that's what'll make you-" I cut myself off from the sudden tears running down my face.
"But why? Why am I crying?"

That's it, I'm am tired and my head hurts!
How you liked it, tbh I had no idea where I was going with this chapter sooooo...ha!
Anyways, hope to be see all you in the next chapter, BYE!

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