Chapter 1.

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Hey, this is my first ever story!
So so sorry if it's bad...
Grammar don't do me!

Hawks' POV

On a roof of a building patrolling, the sun shone on my crimson red wings. Looking down at my phone checking if there's any new messages, which there wasn't. Sighing with boredom, I glance off my phone scanning streets for any mishaps, which surprisingly was quiet. I look up at the clean baby blue sky's, slowly thoughts start rushing into my mind.
"What am I doing here?"
"Why did I become a pro? What was my reasoning?"
I close my eyes.
"I know my reasoning of becoming a pro hero to keep a promise to an old friend..."
My mind gone blank, my thoughts stops after I said "old friend"...
I sigh opening my eyes turning my focus back onto the streets, still questioning my thought...

Dabi's POV

I sigh, laying my head on the bar. I wish Crusty Hands would give me my orders, it's getting quite boring sitting around the hideout. Sitting up with my arm crossed still on the bar.
"I wonder what Keigo is doing..." I thought to myself, "Probably some boring hero work or something..." I thought with a sigh.
"Heeeyy, Dabs!"
I hear a familiar voice calling me, glancing over to see Toga at the door.
"What are you doing here Crazy?" I ask, watching her come closer.
"Oh? I should be asking you the same!" She replied, not really. I turn away from her as she sits next to me, "You didn't answer my question!?" She huffs at me, "Nor did you..." I say making her flinch then chuckle.
"Hehe, I guess you're right! I came to see if Handy got any assignments!" I sigh, "Well to bad he doesn't..." I say  leaning back.
"How do you know!?" She says in denial, "I asked, duh!" I responded closing my eyes I could hear her groaning with  frustration. Honestly watching her go into a tantrum is entertaining, but right now not really. I sigh, moving myself off the stool I was sitting on. Toga turned her attention to me.
"Where are you going?" She asked watching me walk towards the door, "Anywhere besides here!" I replied grasping the door handle.
"Oh? Can I come with!?" She asked excitingly hopping off the stool, I glance at her.
"Do whatever..." I say opening the door, Toga smiles wide as she quickly follows behind me, closing the door after.
Walking through the streets, Toga skipping ahead of me humming happily. I glance away to the sky, suddenly noticing something flowing down towards me, not able to figure out what it was until it gotten closer into view. I reach out for it to see it was a feather.
"Feather...?" I mumble slowly processing, "WAIT-" I say, my eyes wide looking dead at the crimson red feather in hand, "KEIGO!" Toga turning to me, confused.
"Hey Dabs, you alright?" Toga says, shaking me out my trance. Turning to look down on her. "Y-Yeah..." I reply quickly shoving the feather into my coat pocket before she could notice. Toga glares at me, leaning in.
"Are you sure?" She says suspiciously, I could feel sweat coming. "Yes..." I say holding my breath. She looks me up and down then moves away.
"Okay! I believe you!" She says turning away then continues to skip, I sigh with relief. "Oh good lord," I thought, "YOU COMING!" I hear Toga yell snapping me out and back into reality. "Yeah yeah!" I yell back following behind her.

Sorry if this is short, it's late and my brains hurts...
Thanks for reading!
I hope this first chapter was alright?
Hope to be seeing you all in the next one, BYE! 😋✌🏻

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