Chapter 27.

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Now chapter!

Dabi's POV

I walk towards the backroom, opening the door, closing it behind me I groan and immediately slammed my fist to the wall, causing a mark. I look up and dropped to the floor.
I could feel my body lit up, heating as I curl up, grabbing my hair. Blue flames burning the walls and the floor, burning my body I shut my eyes. Flames engulfing me, I scream while tears flowed soon evaporating.


I feel my heat as I train, burning the glass surrounding me I suddenly hear.
I quickly turn to see to see Keigo on the ground, running to him I look at his feet they were burned.
"Keigo! I'm so sorry I didn't see you-" he cut me off, "No no it's fine!" he says trying to reassure me. I look up at him and then away, I suddenly felt a hand, turning.
"I'll be fine it just a little burn!" he says, holding my face. I blush and looked away.
He smiles, flapping his wings he raise himself up and I watched.
"See! I'm fine!" he chuckled, I look down.
"But you can't walk..." I stated, he flies over to me taking my hand.
"Then I'll fly!" he says, I look at him then at our hands, blush forms on my face and soon I quickly moved my hand away from his.
"BUT YOU CAN'T FLY ALL THE TIME, YOU'RE WINGS WILL GET TIRED!" I yelled, he winced and blinked after then he grins.
"Aww are you worried about me? How cute~" he tease, which caused me to turn red.
"WHAT, THAT'S NOT!!!" I shouted, he laughs.
"You know I'm just teasing!" he says, winking at me. I roll my eyes, before grabbing his hand, him flinching.
"If you get tired, I can carry you..." I say, he blushed, smiled he soon tackles me.
We hit the ground.
"I'M GOING TO GET A PIGGY BACK RIDE BY THE TOUYA HIMSELF!" Keigo shouts in my chest, "WAIT YOUR NOT EVEN TIRED YET YOU WERE ONLY IN THE AIR FOR 30 SECONDS!!!?" I yelled back, Keigo moves but still on me, we look at each other.
"So?" he says, I look away and he grabs my cheeks, I look back at him, my face red.

"You're such a dork!"
Standing after Keigo gotten off of me, turn around and bent down as Keigo get on my back. Wrapping his arms around and leaning his head on my shoulder, I glance at him.

"So where do you wanna go?" I ask, he moves his head a tad to look at me, "I don't care where we go as long as I'm with you~" he says, closing his eyes, I look away.
"He's oddly flirty..."
"But way is it actually working on me, ugh he's making me soft..."
I smiled, soon walking.

"It's a nice change..."

I take him towards the playground after a long ways of walking and sat him on swings.
He looked over at me, dazed.
"What?" I ask, he smiles and hugs me.
"I'm just glad to have you as a friend!" he says in my ear, my eyes widened then softed as I hug him back.

We both suddenly hear a voice.
We let go of each other and I turn to see Fuyumi running over, I winced. Keigo noticed, turning his attention to me.
I heard him say as I glance at him as Fuyumi come up.
"Sorry Keigo, but I have to leave..." I say as I slightly smile and walked to Fuyumi, Keigo watched and Fuyumi noticed Keigo and quickly ran up to him and placed her hands on his.
"Thank you..." she says to Keigo before placing ice in Keigo's hands, "For the burns..." she adds and let go and walked off to me. Keigo looked down at the ice then back at us.
"Thank you too!" he shouts, I turn my head to the side and smiled at him and Fuyumi waves.
"I'll see you tomorrow..." I say, turning and waved him off.

(Minutes later)

Fuyumi and I make it to the house as we both soon enter we could hear our father yelling, which got my attention very quickly, I run to the sound and opened the door to Shoto and my abusive father, he turns to me.
"Get out!" he demanded, I glare at him, taking a step in.
He glares at me as I walk past him to Shoto.
"I think he's had enough!" I said, standing infront of him. He grew annoyed and his flames grew as I just took my r grounded, getting a flame ready if necessary. He immediately punched me, hiting the floor, cough up a little blood.
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO BOY!" he yelled.
I glare up at him, wiping the blood.
He hits me again and finally get out all his frustration on me, he leaves me with Shoto alone.
Shoto crying he immediately ran to me.
"Big brother!" he says, helping me, I glare at Shoto then softed.
"Are you alright?" I asked, he nods and hugs me.
I pull him away and stood up.
I walk out leaving Shoto alone, turning I see Natsou.
"Go take care of Shoto..." I say as I walk past him, I walk towards the my room, sliding the door and soon closing it. I walk in and immediately started breaking everything, slamming them to the floor, some breaking some not. I could feel all my angry boil over to the point I lose control of my quirk, burning my arms.
"I hate this fucking life!"
Suddenly Keigo popped into my head and I felt my body feel more at ez.
I look over at a photo, reaching over I take it and held it close.

"Keigo...I can't live in this life without you..."


Hawks' POV

I look down after Endeavor hits me on the head with his fist.
"Ow!" I say trying to change the tone. He glares at me, "Why you help him?" he says.
I smile, "You know I have to keep my cover as a doubt agent!" I said.
He lets out a sigh, before turning away.
"That better be the only case!" he says, walking off.
I chuckle.
"The only case..."
I look down then up.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked.
He stops and turns to me.
We look at each other, before he spoke.
"You can ask the hero commission..." he says, while he starts back to walking.
My eyes widen.
"Are they tracking me now, is that it!?"
I look down, then up.

"I see, I'll never be fully free..."


The end of this chapter!
Hope to be see y'all in the next one!

Living on the Edge~ (Dabi x Hawks aka Hotwings)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن