Chapter 23.

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Until I don't got anything else to put...
Anyways let's add on!

Hawks' POV

Being held in Dabi's arms, I felt to happy I honestly never thought I'd ever be with my Touya again.
I look up at Dabi.
"Yes?" I ask, moving a tad off of him.
Dabi looking directly into my eyes which I made me feel uneasy.
"I-" before he could speak we hear footsteps coming towards us. We both turn our attention towards the door.
We soon see a young boy slid the door open.
He was panting. I guess he nearly ran the whole way here? I turn over to Dabi he looked nervous, I put my hand on his. He winced a tad and turned to me.
"It'll be okay..." I say, soothing him. He smiles slightly before looking back at Shoto.

Dabi's POV

I look at my little brother that I haven't seen in years, I gulped.
"Hey Sho..." I say before he tackled me with tears in his eyes. I flinched to his touch, looking down at him. I look over at Hawks that's standing aside. I nodded my head slightly coding him to leave us alone, which he nodded back and stepped out.
I'm now alone with my little brother that thought I was dead all these years. I place my hand in hair and stroked it a tad. He let's go of me and wiped his tears away.
"Why did you leave me with dad?" He asked me, I looked away knowing he would ask me that.
"I- I left because I was at my limits and couldn't stay any longer..." I say.
Shoto looks down.
"Why didn't you take me with you..?" he says.
I turn my head to him, placed both my hands on his cheeks and lifted his head up so we make eye contact.
"I didn't bring you because you wouldn't have been happy with me and also it your life to live..." I say with a smile.
He smiles back.

(Meanwhile with Hawks)

Hawks' POV

I walk through the halls, smiling. I got towards the end of the halls to the waiting rooms and near the exit I look to see Endeavor. My smile fades as I locked eyes with him.
"Endeavor what are you doing here?" I ask.
He glares at me with totally silence which made things worse.
"I can't let Endeavor know Dabi is here..."
Endeavor soon walks towards the halls, but I cut in front of him. He looks down on me.
"Hawks move!" he demanded.
"I can't do that!" I say.
He glares at me before shoving me aside, I quickly point my feather to him. Which made him stop, he turns his head towards his shoulder.
"Are you pointing your feather to me..." he says.
I gulp.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you take another step..." I stated.
He turns and walks over to me and grabs my wrist I wince. He soon shoves me closer to him, we lock eyes.
"Don't EVER tell me what to do!" he stated, as his hand on my wrist started to warm up, burning me. I wince, my eyes wide as I let go of my feather and try to get him to let go of my wrist.
"Endeavor y-you're burning me!" I yelp trying not to show tears. Endeavor soon let's go of me and walked off, I quickly cover my wrist.
I quickly chased after Endeavor to stop him from finding out about Dabi.
As soon as I got caught up with Endeavor, he was just standing near the door. I soon stopped and turned to look into it was only Shoto in the room. My eyes widened as I stepped into the room, Dabi was no where to be found it was like he was never in this hospital ever.

"He's gone..."


That'll be all for this chapter!
I hope you've enjoyed it and would like more chapters just let me know!
Cya, BYE!

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