Chapter 8.

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Heya! 👋🏻
Chapter 8, is a go!

Dabi's POV

(Minutes before)

Waiting for Hawks to get out of the bathroom, looking up at the ceiling, slacking off. How do I get him to the hideout? Sighing, I sit up, looking around the apartment, not much.
"Alrighty..." I mumble, raising myself up onto my feet, standing soon walking to the kitchen. What does he have to eat? Opening the fridge, scavenging. He got nothing that really calling for me. Sighing, closing the fridge. I could hear voices coming from the other side of the wall. Curiosity hitting me, walking over to the where the voices are coming from.
"Keigo?" I mumble, in front of the bathroom door, who is he talking to? Leaning in closer to the door, listening into the conversation.
He's on the phone? I shouldn't be eavesdropping, like it's probably isn't anything important to begin with...
Walking off to his room, seeing feathers everywhere, blinking does he ever clean? Looking around, soon locking eyes on his huge bed, dam. Sitting on it, blinking. Holy, this is soft! Laying down, arms outstretched, shutting my eyes, feeling my body numbing, relaxing, being engulfed. Soon opening my eyes, glancing over to a side table, locking eyes with a photo resting on it. Sitting up, I move to it, reaching grabbing the photo from off the table, looking closer at it, my eyes widen, shaken.
It was a photo of him and I when we were kids...
"He kept this..."
I stroke my hand over the photo of Hawks or in this Keigo, smiling softly, moving my hand away, soon placing the photo back, resting on the side table where he left it. Standing up, walking out away from the bed towards the closet, looking through his clothes. Does he only wear fur leather coats or something? Taking out one, staring at it with disappointment, I place it back into the closet, walking off, out of the room, back to the kitchen.
Looking through the cupboards, coming across chips. I guess, this will do...
Trying to take it out, suddenly a pile of stuff hitting me, losing my balance, falling...

Hawks' POV

Flinching, turning my head moving the phone away from my ear.
"What?" I thought, forgetting about Rumi, until she spoke.
"Hawks? What was that!?" She yells, jerking my attention back to the phone.
"Um...hey can I call you back?" I say, "Uh? Okay-" cutting her off, "OKAY YEAH, CYA LATER!" I quickly say, before she could reply I hung up, slipping my phone in my pocket, raising myself up to my feet, turning to open the door, rushing through to the scene. Turning the corner soon I get a view of Dabi on the floor covered, holding back from laughing.
"W-What are you doing!?" I say chuckling, he glances at me with regret all over him.
"You need to tidy up..." He grumbled, me bursting into laughter, him now glare daggers at me.
"HAHA!" I laugh, tears forming, "DON'T LAUGH IT ISN'T THAT FUNNY!" He shouts at me, making me laugh more.
"DUDE, IT SORTA IS!" I shout back, wiping the tears away, chuckling. He huffs, soon something hitting me in the face, flinching. Catching it in my hands, blinking.
"Did you seriously throw chips at me?" I say, looking back at him with disappointment.
"WHAT IF I DID!" He replied, trying to get up. I sigh, rolling my eyes. What a baby...
Putting the chips on the island, walking over to him, reaching my hand out for him, he winced looking at it then up at me.
"Need a hand!" I say, smiling. He looks away then back, before taking my hand. Helping him up to his feet, him close to my face, looking into his eyes, my wings starts to suddenly flap vigorously, him soon glancing over at them.
"Is your wings like a doggy tail?" He says grinning, blushing I push him away, him chuckling.
"SHUT UP!" I yell, storming off.
"Who does he think he is!?" I thought, immediately trying to make my wings stop flapping. Stupid wings! I could hear him laughing at me struggling to handle my wings.
This is so embarrassing...

Dabi's POV

Watching Hawks struggle with his wings, he really haven't changed a bit. Grinning, I walk over to him, rapping my arms around him, making him flinch, turning his attention to me.
"D-Dabi the hell...?" He says flashed, me resting my chin on his shoulder, him wincing. I soon move over to his ear.
"It's time..." I whisper, him flinching turning his head to me as I let go of him, "Wha-" before he could finish I push him, sudden purple warp portal appears, engulfing him.
"See you on the other side Birdy!" I say waving, him disappearing soon I followed, walking through, the portal closing.

Sorry if this was short...
Hope you enjoy this chapter, as much as I did!
Hope to be see you in the next one, BYE!

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