15 | Wedding Crashers

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~ Ama~

          Marriage. Probably one of the most exciting and terrifying things in a person's life. It might take couple's years to finally come to the conclusion that they were ready for it. For some others it might take less time. It was a life changing decision. And then once you make that decision the planning starts.

          It would be a stressful few months. The two main participants may be met with hesitation during the time or just the opposite. Their trust for their partner could get stronger. In the end, if the couple chooses to go through with the union, they'd spend the rest of their lives together.

          They'd share incredible moments that they just couldn't do with family or friends. It was the married couple that would share that moment if or when they have a child. They'd share the joy of having a family. They'd live and grow old together.

          Growing up in the patriarchal society of the Water Tribe, many of us women longed for marriage since we were little girls. We'd dream of falling in love and then having as many kids as we could. Mom used to tell Katara and I the story of how she met dad on repeat. She described her marriage ceremony as one of the most incredible moments of her life and that having us was the most fulfilling part of her life.

          So as kids, my sister and I would plan our weddings. Talk about our dream guy and then describe what our dress would look like in detail. I'd even go as far and plan how I'd want the reception to go. We couldn't wait to find romance.

          Years ago, when I was with Mulan, I gave up on the plan for marriage. Not because I wanted to, I just didn't think it would have been possible. It wasn't like the Earth Kingdom allowed same-sex couples to marry eachother. So that huge ceremony and reception was going to be traded by buying our house. And having kids was to be traded with housing the rejected ones.

          During those years with the gorgeous warrior bastard, I had an epiphany that younger me didn't understand. Marriage wasn't about the decorations or the dress. Not even about the people that were attending. It was about two people wedding each other. About declaring to each other and themselves that they were wholeheartedly given themselves to the other.

          And that was what today meant for Katara and Aang.

          With the wedding just a few short hours away, there wasn't a single person who wasn't tasked with something to do. Servants were running around with last minute touches and the chefs were already busy preparing the appetizers and dishes.

          But the worst, most heartbreaking part of the morning of the wedding day, is that the bride and groom have to be separated; according to Aang and Katara. Those two were attached at the hip. I didn't know if it was just because I'd been gone for so long, but those two somehow became even clingier. In my mind it shouldn't have to be such a big deal. I mean, it was only a couple hours then they'd be together as a married couple. They've been apart for longer than that.

          But they were in love. It was their day. Their moment. They had every right to feel however they wanted. And if I was being honest, I could use some of Aang's magic touch right about now. Because Katara was beyond jittery.

          "Sis, you made sure that the dress was cleaned and everything?" She hustled across the bridal prep room with a brush in her hand. The room was extravagant. It was one of the very few things that Katara let Malina take care of. And my step-mother truly outdid herself.

          The soft blue themed prep room was set in one of the guest bedrooms of the palace. Along one wall, a long table was set and multiple mirrors were placed across each of the six plush chair. The bridesmaids dresses were hung on a silver dress rack, whereas the bride's dress was hung in a separate rack more delicately.

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