5 | Crankiness Runs in the Family

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          The sky was clear, the oceans as blue as can be, and the day couldn't be more perfect

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          The sky was clear, the oceans as blue as can be, and the day couldn't be more perfect. The group was going back to the Fire Nation from Hira'a. Returning with Zuko's mom and her family.

          Kiyi and Aang were riding on one flying dolphin-fish beside the boat while Ama rode on another. All of them had the biggest smiles on their faces. Ama never rode on a flying dolphin-fish before. And she never saw any harm in trying new things.

          She saw Katara wave at them from the boat, so she waved back, before setting both her hands on the dolphin-fish's back again to steady herself. She loved the feeling of the water spraying on her skin and smell of the sea.

          "Kiyi! Come back!" A voice shouted. Ama looked over, seeing Ursa by the railing, shouting for her daughter. Zuko stood close by in his Fire Lord robes and crown.

          "Don't worry, Ursa. She's perfectly safe with Aang." Ama heard Katara tell Ursa. Aang immediately flew off the dolphin-fish with Kiyi. Ama followed suit, water bending to get back onto the boat.

          "I promise, Kiyi wasn't ever in danger." Aang assured Ursa while Kiyi clung onto Aang.

          "Kiyi!" Ursa grabbed a hold of her daughter and held her in a close hug as she sat on the ground. "I can't lose you! I can't!"

          "Let go! Let go!" Kiyi fought against Ursa. And when her mom did let go, Kiyi went straight to her dad and hid behind his legs. "Daddy, I wanna go downstairs!"

          Ikem stared at his wife with concern. He picked up Kiyi and the little girl buried her head in his shoulder, facing away from her mother. "All right, honey. Whatever you want." Ikem carried Kiyi inside the ship.

          Zuko sat next to his mom and put his hand on her shoulder. "Give her time." He assured her.

          "I know. Not every little girl has to deal with her mother changing faces." Ursa rationalized.

          "Ursa, I'm so sorry I worried you!" Aang jumped in. "But believe me, flying dolphin-fishes are among the gentlest creatures in the world."

          "No, Avatar. I'm the one who should be sorry." Ursa held up her hand, refusing Aang's apology. "I'm embarrassed that I overreacted like that. Now, if you'll excuse me." The former Fire Lady stepped away from her son and Aang and stood by the railing to look out at sea.

          "You shouldn't worry." Ama stepped next to her boyfriend, noticing his slightly furrowed eyebrow and frown. "Things are going to be fine."

          "I know." He muttered, putting an arm around his girlfriend. "It's just been years since she's been back. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable or unsafe."

          "She might at first. After everything your dad put her through. But she'll feel safer as time goes by." Ama told him honestly. Zuko nodded. There wasn't much he could do after all.

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