16 | Restless

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(A/N) Okay so usually I wouldn't post about this because it's so mild, but there's light lemon(?) I don't what it's called but it's kinda racy. This is the only time I'll be addressing something so light because I've only recently added in the book description that this book is rated M.

Happy reading!


~Zuko ~

          "I love you." Her raspy voice trembled to tell me. She looked up at me with a blank expression. I yelled her name for her to hold on. But the light in her eyes disappeared and then her body went completely limp in my arms. Her head which was previously looking up at me weakly felt heavier on my chest. Every muscle in my body froze. It felt like I couldn't even breath for a split second.

          "Ama?" My voice was questioning and quiet. I was in disbelief. She couldn't be gone. Not like that. Ama was too strong, too stubborn to let herself die like that. But each passing moment where she didn't move or where I didn't hear her breathing, it just confirmed my fear more and more.

          I trembled while I moved her body from its upright position to just barely tilt her backward. Her face. It was too pale, too lifeless. Her blue eyes didn't sparkle and her cheeks didn't have their rosy color. But I still didn't, I couldn't, believe she was gone. "Ama!" I shouted this time in desperation.

          Tears started to stream down my face. There was no fight to hold them back. "You- you can't go yet." I sobbed. I turned my head towards the fight my friends were still engaged in. "Katara!" I screamed. She was the only one who could heal her. Bring her back to me.

          Moments later the sound of snow crunched under someone's feet was heard until Katara slid up on the other side of her sister. She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her palm, seeing Ama so limp in her bloodied dress. The dark red clashed with the purple in a horrific way. Katara reached for Ama's wrist, using two fingers to find a pulse. And when she wasn't satisfied with the lack of movement, she checked in the spot just under her jaw.

          With tears already dropping from her eyes, Katara shook her head. Bowing her head to avoid seeing her dead sister. "No!" I refused. "Katara there has to be something you can do. Just try, please." My voice was very clearly cracking while I sobbed.

          "There's nothing I can do, Zuko. She's dead." Katara cried. Her sentenced came out in a breathy whimper.

          My chest tightened even more and another sob ripped out of me. "Please. She can't be gone. We have to try!" I begged. I refused to let it sink in fully. Even if there were a slim chance she was still alive, we couldn't just give up on her. I'd never do that.

          Katara looked up from the snow, seeing my broken expression. Without a word, she whipped the tears from her face and shifted to sit on her knees. Katara first ripped the hole in Ama's dress even larger, exposing the ugly stab wound. Bending some water she brought it to Ama's injury, letting it sink through to heal her. The liquid glowed a bright blue as it worked it's magic. Slowly but surely, the wound was healed. Leaving behind a pink scar.

          Letting her hands momentarily hover over Ama, Katara held her breath. We both stared at her, waiting for a sign, anything to let us know that she was still alive. But her entire being was still... dead. Katara's hand shook as she reached towards her sister's face, closing her departed eyes which were staring up at the starry sky. She heavily sat onto the ground, burying her face in her hands to bawl.

           I just sat there in despair. Breathing heavily while I stared at her. I didn't want to believe it, but she was gone. I'd never get the chance to heat her tea after she's neglected it for too long. I'd never get to kiss her lips or tell her how lovely she looks in purple, or in any color for that matter. All those moments just slipped through my fingers.

Her Sun, His Moon • Zuko •Where stories live. Discover now