11 | World's Worst Ex-Girlfriend

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~ Ama ☾ ~

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~ Ama~

I knew that there was something up with Suh. From the moment I met her, I had a bad feeling. And I only grew more suspicious when Suh acted completely normal during dinner. She mentioned nothing about the letter. And I understand that if it were something personal, you wouldn't exactly announce it to the class. But there wasn't even a difference in her deminor.

I didn't tell anyone about what I saw. Katara and the other girls would just say that I'm jealous again. Sokka probably would laugh at me. Aang would probably side with Katara. And Mai just found her annoying, not suspicious. I was the only one that thought there was something wrong with Suh.

I was left to investigate on my own. The next day I had committed my day to keeping an eye on Suh. I pushed back a few of my duties and what I could get done over night was done. I got a total of 3 hours of sleep. Which to be fair is an hour more that I originally thought I was going to get.

The morning was normal. Katara and Aang got to their wedding stuff. Ty Lee, Suki, Sokka and Mai went out to train and then go out to lunch. Zuko had his Fire Lord stuff. And Suh was a sitting duck. I was sure that if I spied long enough I'd catch something.

Unfortunately, I got nothing. There weren't any messenger hawks. No suspicious activity. No strange visits. And it didn't help that the woman didn't do anything. She picked up a book in the library and just read. Spirits, I was so bored the entire time.

So I decided to do what any normal and sane person would do. And snoop through her things to try to find that letter or anything else interesting.

I made sure no one was around when I carefully entered her and Zuko's shared room. It looked standard and clean. The bed was made, the clothing in the closet were hanging nicely. There wasn't anything out of place. Which made my job a little bit easilier.

I decided to start with the nightstands. Knowing Zuko, he slept on the right side of the bed. The lavender oils on that stand only confirmed it. He always had trouble falling asleep, and lavender always helped me, so I recommended it to him. After all these years he still used it.

I went over to the nightstand on the left. A curse left my lips when I saw that the drawers were just filled with jewelry. I went into the closet, searching through her clothing for literally anything. Still. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

Stepping out of the closet again, I looked over at the nightstand again. My intuition was telling me something was off about it, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Then I realized that there was a book on top of it. But she was reading a book in the library. Not saying that it was something completely unusual to finish a book and leave it on the nightstand, but it was something to perhaps look into.

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