Manicure - Joseph x Reader

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You weren't used to getting your nails done. Actually this was your first time, but you were really enjoying it. As the manicurist was just finishing buffing your nails a tall lanky man walked into the salon, and after a minute of talking with the woman at the front desk he sat in the bulky, overused desk chair on the other side, facing you. You looked him over. Short, light brown hair, light honey colored skin, brown eyes outlined by thin rimmed glasses that were staring into your soul. Your eyes widened when you realized he was watching you stare at him. He gave you a small smile and you returned it before looking down at your lap, embarrassed. You would just have to look more carefully. As the manicurist was applying the color of your choice to your nails you glanced at the guy, only for him to look up the moment after. You looked away again and felt your cheeks heat up as he softly chuckled.

"Alright, ma'am, we're gonna put you over here, under the dryers.", the cheerful lady helped you walk over to the dryer. When you sat down she told you what the machine does, how it works, and what to do when your nails were finished. She also warned you not to move until the process was complete. You nodded and the machine's blue fluorescent light flashed on, and the warm wind hit your fingers. You looked down at your fingers for a while until your eyes glanced over the guy one last time. Slowly you managed to get a good look at him without him noticing. He wasn't that bad looking. He looked a bit quirky, but in a cute way. You smiled softly as, oh shit he's coming. You looked back down at your nails until he took a seat right next to you.

"Sir, you can leave. You didn't get any polish.", his manicurist reminded him.

"I know,", he began, "I want to be here so I can hold the door open for this beautiful girl.", he smirked.

"What?", you looked up at him, embarrassed and flattered.

"I said I want to hold the door open for you because you're beautiful.", he smiled.

"Oh,", you gave a weak smile, "thank you. That's very nice."

"Not a problem. So what's your name?", he asked putting his chin in his palm.

"(Y/N). What's yours?", you smiled.

"Joseph. (Y/N) is such a beautiful name. It suits you.", he complimented. Not being used to so much attention you blushed and thanked him gratefully each time he did.

Then, the machine buzzed and the lights and wind turned off.

"Looks like you're done. Can I walk you to your car?", Joseph asked standing up.

"That would be kind, thank you."

After paying the fee, and complimenting the service Joseph and you left. He walked beside you until you reached your car.

"Hey, I know we just met, but could I have your number?", Joseph pressed.

"Um.", you looked around. Sure, Joseph was super sweet, and handsome of course, but were you really gonna give away your number to a total stranger?

"I understand. That's okay.", Joseph gave a saddened look before turning to walk away.

"Wait, no. Um, I would feel more comfortable giving you my email instead.", you rushed. He turned around once more and smiled, a wide satisfied grin. After exchanging information, Joseph waved to you, and you both got in your car and left.

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