Marble Hornets x Reader - Circus

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"Welcome, (Y/N) to Cirque de Operator.", Jay lead you in to the red and yellow striped tent. He wore a purple jacket, with purple geenie pants, and a pink feather on his purple hat. His cane was dark purple as well. When you stepped into the tent you saw a number of astounding talents in action.
Alex wore a blue tee shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. He was 30 feet in the air, balancing himself on a thin rope held by two poles. His arms were extended at both sides and he did a serious of twists and flips on the string, never losing balance. When he got to the end he waved politely at you.
"Bonjour!", he called down. You waved and called back to him.
"Bonjour, misour!", you smiled.
The next act was almost as amazing. Jessica, dressed in a red ballet dress, came and pulled Alex's feet sending him flying through the air. He grabbed onto the next acrobat swing. Together they preformed an amazing act of flips and falling through the sky and flexible team work. When finished they both sat on their swings. Jessica waved to you from above.
"Bonjour!", she waved to you with a bright loving smile. You waved back and returned the welcome.
Under them came Brian. The man was dressed in a black tux and held a whip over his shoulder. As he came strolling over to you you instinctively stepped back. The more you walked the more a dull growling noise grew over you. It grew until finally your hands met a wide furry object. You turned to see a live lion licking it's lips at you. You screamed and ran behind Brian, who put a protective arm in front of you. He yelled out while snappimg the whip until the beast sat down. Brian turned and dipped you with your hands entwined.
"Bonjour.", he cooed with a dreamy French accent.
"Bonjour.", you cooed back. Then you heard a distinct growl, coming from a man this time. As you turned to find the source a stream of fire pulled the two of you apart. As you stood you saw Tim. Dressed in his normal red and black plaid shirt, Tim was marching towards you with his torch gripped firmly in his strong hands. He stepped in front of you and blew a long river of fire behind you. You watched in awe as it swirled with vibrant color then fizzled out. Tim proudly looked toward you. You started to speak but he cut you off.
Smiling he screamed, "(Y/N), WAKE THE FUCK UP."
You jumped and sat up straight in your bed.

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