Alex x Reader - One Night

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You ran into your apartment with Alex waiting for you on the couch. It was ten at night, and some crazy drunk hobo was chasing you through the apartment halls. You ran inside, slammed the door and locked it. Alex slowly stood up. You knew he would be so pissed at how late you were out, but that was the least of your problems. You stood shaking and breathing harshly. A bead of sweat rolled down your temple.

"Where have you been?", Alex adressed you. He stood over you with his arms folded. He was very skinny, but more capable of handling himself than people give him credit for. Just as you were about to speak the man began banging on the door. You jumped back, and ran behind Alex clinging onto his shirt like children do.

"Come on baby, why are you hiding from me?", the man slurred, and chuckled.

"Do you know this guy?", Alex growled. You shook your head, and Alex began approaching the door.

"No, baby please.", you tried pulling him away, but if you could describe Alex in one word it would be stubborn.

Alex ripped open the door. The man took one look at him before Alex hit him with enough force to put a horse to sleep. The man fell back completely knocked out. Alex tensed, and he turned back towards you. He slammed the door shut, and he kept his eyes focused on you the entire time. You thought he was going to yell at you for being out late, or bringing a drunk to the house. You backed away until your back hit a wall and flinched when you saw Alex's hand raise. He always let his temper get the best of him. Instead of the sharp sting of a slap, you felt his soft hands carressing your cheeks.

"Did he hurt you?", Alex looked into your eyes. He gaze was soft, and concerned.

"No.", you shook your head, and Alex smiled.

"You're sure lucky to have me, Princess.", Alex leaned down and kissed you softly. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. With one swift motion he picked you up bridal style. You giggled and he lifted you all the way to the bed. You laughed as he swung you around. He set you down on your side of the bed, and kissed your forehead. You smiled, and took off your shoes and he walked to his side of the bed. Once he took off his pants, he was only left in a tee shirt and some boxers.

You pulled the blanket over you and turned off your lamp. He turned his off just after you got comfortable. Moments later you felt his arms wrap around your waist and pull you against his chest. You smiled and he played with your hair.

"I love you, Princess.", he whispered before you drifted off to sleep.

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