Alex x Reader - Misery Needs Company

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You shakily stepped into the cell. You were the only girl in the guys wing of the prison and that was enough to make you almost piss yourself.
"Due to over crowding in the girls wing tonight you'll be staying with the boys. This is Alex. Don't worry though. As far as we know he's never raped anyone.", your probation officer smiled.
"Lovely.", you forced out.
On the bottom bunk sat a thin man with short, light brunette hair. He looked up at you with brown eyes and thin glasses. His grey tee shirt hung loosely from his thin frame. He was handsome, but prison was obviously not the place to find a boyfriend. You didn't even know why you here. One night you woke up in a police car with blood on your hands, the next your sharing a cell with-
"I'm Alex. What's your name?", he broke your thoughts. He was standing now. Oh fuck, he's standing now and he's tall as shit.
"I'm, uh, (Y/N)", you squeaked. He chuckled and crossed over to the tiny TV and turned it off. Above the television hung a poster of a female in a bikini.
"Well you two stay out of trouble. An (Y/N), if you feel like he's gonna try and make a move on you," the officer tapped on the bars and pointed to the both of you, "You just holler out, ya' hear me?"
You nodded and stepped closer into the cell. Alex returned to his bunk, which you guessed meant you were taking the top. You climbed the ladder and slumped onto the stiff matress. The night went on and on and on and you weren't getting a second of sleep. You shifted noisily in your bed.
"You still awake?", a voice from underneath you called. You jumped a bit remembering Alex was still here.
"Ye-yeah. How come you aren't sleeping?", you replied to the disembodied voice.
"Nightmares. What are you even in here for? You look too tiny to do any real harm."
Taking serious offence to the last part you bullshitted, "First degree murder."
You could hear him gasp slightly.
"Shit, man, that's real.", he chuckled.
You raised an eyebrow and folded your hands on your stomach, "Why are you here?"
"Same thing.", he prompted. Your eyes went wide and you smiled in the darkness. You put your head over the side of bed and looked down at him.
"No fucking way."
"Yes way.", he chuckled as your hair swung down, back and forth.
"What was it like? Foor you I mean.", you caught yourself before you gave away your lie.
"I have nightmares every night because of it. How is it for you?", he turned towards you with burning eyes.
"Fine.", you said as you cowered back onto your bed.
"You know," he started as he got up and looked over your bed, "I've always wanted a ruthless killer like you as a girlfriend."
You stared at him for a long minute before he chuckled and climbed back into his bed.
"Too bad we're both sentenced to life in this place. I would have taken you to a nice restaurant when we were on the outs.", he continued.
"What makes you think I would have gone out to dinner with you?", you gulped. You felt the bed shift as he climbed up next to you. You squealed and cowered.
"Because your all mine now. Don't you know what happens to guys like me in prison?", he smirked and kissed your forehead before climbing back down to his bed.

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