Brian x Tim - Props To You

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Requested by Yellow4life

You know who you are XD


"Tim, can I use your phone?", Brian held out his hand. Tim smiled and turned on his side to reach his phone. Brian bit his lip as he watched Tim's back muscles flex as he twisted. Tim grabbed his phone and sat up. He held out the phone, and as Brian reached to grab it he made sure to brush Tim's hand. Tim smirked and grabbed Brian by the hips, pulling him down to sit on his lap. Brian giggled, and Tim buried his face into his neck. Brian started dialing the number. The phone rang a couple of times and finally Joseph picked up.

"Hey, Brian. Long time, no hear, man. What's up?", Joseph's melodic voice filled the air, and Tim's hands gripped Brian harder protectively, instinctively. Tim was a very jealous man, and Brian used that to his advantage. Only, Brian was a very sensitive man. Just a few touches in the right places and Brian was eating out of Tim's hands. Tim used that to his advantage.

"Hey, I was wondering do you still have Rosswood Park location booked from the Marble Hornets set?", Brian smacked Tim's hand, but Tim continued rubbing at Brian's sides. Tim smirked and placed his hands at Brian's chest, slowly unbottoning each button on Brian's shirt.

"Yeah, man, do you need it?", Joseph's voice rang in Tim's ears like clumsy church bells, and the only way to drown them out was to make Brian moan. Tim bit the sweet spot on Brian's neck, and Brian dug his nails into his knee.

"Yeah. I only need it for a month. If that.", Brian prompted through his teeth. He bit his lip, and smacked Tim playfully.

"Oh, well I only have it for about two or three more weeks. Will you be able to get everything done by then?", Joseph asked. Tim growled and shoved Brian onto the bed. Tim hovered over him, rubbed his thighs, and pulled off his loose button up.

"Yeah, probably, ahh-", Brian moaned loudly as Tim grabbed his ass firmly.

"Is everything okay?", Joseph's voice showed concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but hey I got to go really fast. Talk later?", Brian rushed as Tim began playing with the hem of his pants.

"Alright. Nice talking to you, man. See you later."

"Bye!", Brian sang. He hurriedly hung up the phone.

Tim chuckled, and slid off the bed. He went over to the mini fridge and grabbed himself a Coke.

"Did you really have to do that?", Brian huffed.

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