Movies - Brian x Reader

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Suggested by jello4life

Been brain dead for a while , sorry for late updates XD


You had gone with a group of your very...distinct (loud) friends to the movie theater around town. You didn't pay for anything, which was nice. Only the movie the rest of the group wanted to see was horrible. You never liked those types of movies, they bored you to death. You sat at the edge of the row, and your friends filed into the seats lined next to it. The movie started and your friends were quietly eating popcorn while you sipped your large drink. After twenty minutes you were nearly asleep. You excused yourself and when your friends asked you where you were going, you told them you were just going to use the bathroom. You were actually catching a break from the awful movie. You stepped out into the lobby where they sold the drinks, and got yourself a refill. You glanced at the arcade and decided to kill some time. You pulled out a dollar, and the man behind the counter gave you change. After playing the claw game four times, and losing four times, you knew your friends would probably notice your long disappearance. You sighed and turned back to walk to the movie when you bumped into a guy in a dull orange hoodie.

"Oh, so sorry.", you quickly stammered.

"What were you trying to get?", he asked ignoring your apology.

"Um, the (favorite color) bear, with the big eyes.", you answered smiling. "Good luck though, I've tried getting it and it won't budge."

He smiled a warm, inviting smile.

"I'll get it for you."

Before you could protest he pulled a quarter from his back pocket, and dumped it into the machine of broken dreams. You watched as he only took three seconds to move the claw and drop it. The metal hand latched around the bear and you watched with anticipation as it hovered on a limb, and collapsed into the hatch. The guy bent over and reached into the box, and pulled it out.

"Wow.", you smiled.

"So what's your name?", he asked with a deviant grin.

"(Y/N).", you informed him.

"Well (Y/N), I will give you this bear," he held it out, but before you grabbed it, quickly snatched it away, "if I can get your phone number.", he prompted.

"Do you always pick up girls like this?", you chuckled.

"I've never had the opportunity to try.", he leaned against the machine and wiggled the bear at you. You giggled, and blushed at the ground. "Is it working?", he laughed. You laughed a little harder and nodded. "So I can have your number?"

"Sure.", you smiled. He took out his phone and you dialed your number.

"Here is your bear beautiful." He smiled cheekily.

"Wait.", you called as he was walking away. "I didn't even get your name."

"Brian.", he prompted and turned back around. You watched Brian enter a different movie, and went back to yours. You smiled to yourself as you watched the movie. You didn't care about the movie, all you could think about was the mysterious Brian.

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