Throw Back Thursday

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"Jay...Jaaaay...Wake up...Jay? Jay? Wake yo ass up!"

A voice called through the bright white light at the corner of the room. Jay opened his eyes. Through the light he saw a man. A man that looked entirely like himself. Only instead of a brown hat, he wore a flower crown.

"Jay.", the man spoke. Jay rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and he smiled. The man said, "My name is Troy. I am you. From the future."

Jay stared in awe, "M-Me?"

"Yes. I have come to tell you your future."

"My future? What future?"

Jay tightened his grip on his blanket.

"Okay. You may not believe me're going to make these videos. Not Marble Hornets videos, but these videos called THAC. Short for TroyHasACamera."


"Yeah. You and Tim and Joseph...oh sorry, Alex, are going to make them together. They're really hilarious."

Jay prompted, "But we only make scary videos."

"Not anymore. Oh and there's this fuy named Noah," Troy handed him a phone number, "Give him a call sometime, okay?"

Jay held out the phone number in his hand.

"Oh and one last thing..."

Jay looked up at the fading white light.

"You're gonna be a dad."

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