Jay x Alex - Your Eyes

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Requested by jello4life

Jay sprinted through the endless trees. The sun on the horizon was being pulled down, and Jay was being roped into darkness. His knees were aching, and his breath was forcing itself past his trembling lips in thin, white clouds. He knew that this was Alex's territory, and it was either run or die. He saw a silhouette of a truck in the corner and ran to the opportunity of escape. Without a shred of good luck eveyone knew he was a dead-man walking, or running, without this truck. Jay's slender hands ripped the door open with ease, and he almost gasped with relief. He quickly climbed into the impenetrable safety zone, and he fumbled to find a key. Without that key he would be caught, and his fate would be worse than death. He searched the (what are the thingies that protect you from the sun), the seats, the doors and nothing. He cursed under his breath and looked out the driver's window. He had to go back out there. Back in the oppressing abyss where Alex was lurking at every turn. He cursed one last time and stepped outside of the truck.

The woods were much quieter like a lion who had silenced its prey with a quick neck snap. Jay took one step and heard the snap of a gun's (the thingy you pull back to shoot a gun) and the loose, scattered chuckle of none other than Alex Kralie. Jay's eyes let themselves float shut. This was it. Alex played the game, and Jay had lost.

"Face me.", Alex snickered. Jay shamefully turned and shined his light on Alex. He noticed that Alex had changed his hair. Yes, a silly detail to recognize but Jay couldn't help it. Everytime he was being chased, or threatened by Alex he couldn't stop noticing him. Jay knew it was wrong, but deep inside he loved the attention he got from Alex. The way Alex glared at him with his deep, aggressive eyes. The way Alex took his long strides. He was so insync with the forest he never faltered. How Alex was so confident with everything he did. Crazy, but confident. Jay always saw the little details no one else could, but now the only thing he could focus on with the barrel of Alex's gun.

"Alex...", Jay plead.

"Alex.", he mocked. Avoiding any further humiliation Jay kept silent. It felt like minutes before Jay felt the cold metal of the gun indenting his neck. Jay flinched, and Alex pressed against him but still somehow managed to tower over him. Jay felt Alex's smooth, even breaths wash over him. Somehow the soft flow of Alex's breathing relaxed Jay and made him realize how tense he had become. Alex pushed Jay's chin up with his gun and stared into his eyes.

He became very stern when he spat, "Jay, I love you."

Jay's heart dropped and he forgot to breathe momentarily. He loved him back. Alex loved him back.

"I-", Jay was quickly cut off by Alex as he was grabbed by the collar and pushed into Alex's lips. His eyes shut again, and his heart fluttered like the butterflies in his burning stomach. He savored Alex's taste and hungered for him. He wanted more, and Alex could tell by the way he whimpered without noticing. Alex growled and pulled away from Jay abruptly. His arm shot up, and the gun was once again aimed at Jay's head.

"If I can't have you no one can!", he desperately choked.

"Alex, you can have me!", Jay rushed. Alex's breath now matched Jay's. Short and choppy puffs of smoke swirled and evaporated to nothing in between them. Alex shook his head in denial, and grit his teeth.

"Alex...you can have all of me...I love you, too...", Jay finished.

"You're lying...", Alex snarled. Jay looked into his eyes and cautiously stepped closer to Alex. He pushed the gun aside with his hand and gently kissed him. His lips lingered on Alex's for the longest, deepest kiss Jay had ever had. He pulled away and felt like the life had been ripped out of every blood cell he had.

"Look into my eyes and tell me I'm lying.", Jay whispered. Alex let himself get lost in Jay's pure eyes, and saw the tainted reflection of himself in them. He turned away and Jay kissed him again.

"Don't ever trust me.", Alex murmured in between kisses.

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