Jay x Reader - Spirit

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This is not happening. This is not real. It's all just a mirage, a dream. You have to be dreaming right now. You rubbed your eyes in disbelief, but he was still there. Staring down at you from the foot of the bed was Jay. But this can't be real. Jay is dead. Long dead. Like, three years dead.

"Jay?", your voice was shaky.

He smiled and floated, yes FLOATED, over the foot of your bed.


You felt tears escaping as you said, "How...What are you-"

"I'm here to...to warn you."

"Warn me?"

He nodded, "Yes. You are in danger."

"What? How?", you asked.

"I know Alex killed himself, but the fight isn't over yet."

"Jay, what do you mean?"

"Just please, don't trust anyone. Not even-"

"Y/N.", Tim opened your bedroom door. You blinked and Jay evaporated. Tim stood in the doorway waiting for a reply.

"Tim. What's up?", you stuttered.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Um, no one. Just...thinking out loud."

"Oh alright. Well, good night."

You waved and laid back down, "Night."

Tim closed the door and walked back to his room smirking. Gaining your trust was almost too easy.

He dialed Brian on the phone.

"Hey," he said, "It's time."

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