Yoga Class - Troy x Reader

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You had recently met a fun, sweet girl named Jessica at a local restaurant in your town. You two had hit it off automatically. One day Jessica suggested you two take up a yoga class that had just been started a few miles from your house. You weren't really into exercising, but your dear friend wanted your company, so you accepted the invitation.

You pulled up to the address she gave you and saw maybe three or four cars parked in the parking lot. You found an empty slot, and pulled up. You pulled out your phone and texted Jessica, to which she replied she was already inside. You smiled, and grabbed your duffel bag from the passengers seat. In the duffel bag you had a yoga mat, a tank top, a water bottle, and a couple things of your favorite snack. You yanked open the double glass doors to the building and made your way to the yoga room. There you spotted Jessica laying out her mat.

"Hey.", you called after her.

"Hey, (Y/N).", she smiled sweetly.

"How did you get here so soon? I thought it took a half-hour by cab.", you began laying out your mat.

"Oh, I got a ride from a friend of mine."

"Oh, alright.", you smiled, and the class began.

In the middle of the yoga lesson you were so beat, you asked to use the bathroom just to catch a break. Bending isn't...your thing.

You were getting a drink from the water fountain, and heard your favorite TV show playing softly down the hall. You wiped your mouth and curiously walked towards the sound. Surely enough you found the door labeled "Waiting Room", where couches and chairs were lined up against the wall, and a large flat screen was propped on a large desk. You stepped inside, and began watching the show. A couple minutes won't hurt right? You stood in your yoga outfit, and stared at the show until you heard a soft chuckle.

You turned to see the person who was watching the show, now trying to hold in a giggle.

"Oh, uh hi.", you gave a small wave to the guy. He had short brown hair, and a small smile.

"Hello. Hey, are you by chance in the yoga class down the hall?", he asked tilting his head.

You sighed, "Sadly, yes."


"Yeah. I didn't really wanna come, but my friend really...really did. So,", you gave a crooked frown.

"Okay, well do you know when it ends?", he asked.

"Yeah, about twenty minutes or so.", you prompted.

"Okay, good. These reruns are gettin' old.", he smiled. You looked at the screen.

"Actually, I still really like this one.", you took a seat on the other side of the coutch.

"Oh?", he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah. It totally explains .... (whatever your talking about )"

"Yeah, but I've seen it almost a thousand times."

"Oh. You like this show?", you looked at him.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites."

"Me too.", you grinned.

"I'm Troy, by the way.", he informed.


You two talked until the class was over. Being too embarrassed to face the teacher, you had Jessica grab all your things for you. When you left, Jessica greeted Troy, and informed you that he was the friend she mentioned. Troy asked for a hug before you left, and you squeezed Jessica into a friendly death hug before entering your car.

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