Jay x Alex - Helping Hands

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Alex pinned Jay up against the tree behind him. This was crazy. Alex never wanted to hurt him, he only wanted to love him. He only wanted all of him. Then Jay had to go team up with Tim and ruin everything they worked so hard to create. Tim. God. Alex hated Tim. 

"You think you can run away from me?!", Alex laughed manically. 

"Alex, please! I just want to go home!", Jay squealed. 

"This is your home now, mother fucker! This dirt is your bed!", he said while shoving Jay to his knees. "Now lay in it!"

Alex groaned as he thought about ripping off Jay's clothes and taking him right here in these woods, where Tim, Brian, the Operator, and any fucking other body could see. Jay lips quivered as tears ran down his cheeks. 


"Don't fucking speak!", Alex ran his fingers through his hair with the gun still in his hands. "You don't get to fucking speak! All you do is make things worse!"

He paced. Alex's breath began coming quicker, and he was shaking just as bad as Jay was. He dropped to his knees and started coughing. Blood dripped down his lips and he completely fell with his belly to the ground. 

"Alex...Alex!", Jay realized he was having a seizure and quickly came to his aid, but not before he took the gun and chucked it as far away from the both of them as he could. He sat Alex up so he wouldn't choke on his tongue, and rubbed his back. Alex convulsed and screamed in pain. Jay knew the Operator was near. "Leave us alone, you...you damn demon!"

Finally it was over. 

Alex opened his eyes minutes after and looked into Jay's. Jay cupped Alex's cheek. 


"Shh.", Jay interrupted, "You don't get to speak." He smiled and leaned into the space between them to give Alex a long awaited kiss. 

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