Magical University AU #Spideypool

Start from the beginning

Wade didn't even register Peter's name. He was too focused on trying to bring a glowing animal from his chest, just like Tony had showed him. He was currently muttering to himself under his breath, curling and uncurling his hands, trying to drag whatever animal was supposed to come out from him, out by its tail. It wasn't working.

"Wade, deep breaths. You can't force your protector out. It's part of you and you need to let it flow." Tony was getting slightly frustrated now. It had been over an hour. He didn't let it show though, he knew some students just needed time to learn different skills.


Peter had finished his paper half an hour ago. And Wade still hadn't managed to bring out his patronus. It was physically painful for Peter to watch.

Standing up and walking over Peter started adjusting Wade's position. "You can't create your first patronus when you're this stressed. I can see it's frustrating you, but you have to be calm. What do your think your patronus is? What kind of animal represents you best?"

Wade let Peter's voice wash over him, trying to take his advice and calm down. "I don't know - a dog maybe?" He questioned.

"Ok, so that's loyalty, bravery, friendly, protective of what you love, excitable sometimes, you like company, and you're quite persistent? Look, sit down, close your eyes, imagine what you think it looks like, and coax it out"

Tony sat back, watching Peter try to teach Wade. He almost fell back over the desk in suprise though, when a glowing red dog leapt from Wade's chest. It wasn't a harsh red though. It was soft, mixed with orange, like flames curling gently around a coal. Like the small flames you rely on for warmth in the winter, or that you light a cigarette with.

Gasping, Wade opened his eyes as he felt great warm paws against his chest. He was looking into the firey eyes of a huge rottweiler - which promptly licked his face and leaped around the room scattering some paper, before running through Wade and back into him.

Peter was wandering out of the room, when Tony caught his arm. "Thanks kid," he said, "that could have taken hours." Grinning, Peter reassured Professor Stark that it was nothing, before going back to his room to try and get some sleep.


Over the next few days Peter sat in on Wade's night lessons revising and occasionally helping out Professor Stark when Wade couldn't quite master a skill or grasp a concept.

One Friday night after class Wade caught up to Peter before he got back to the dormitories.

"Hey, uh, Peter right?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"I never said thank you for helping me out.... So, thanks." Wade was a little nervous but Peter set him at ease, there was something familiar about him.

"You're welcome. So, if you don't mind me being foward, what happened to your face?"

Wade tensed a little at this question. He didn't like talking about Ajax and Angel Dust. It complicated even more the confusing mess of voices in his head, and usually brought on panic attacks.

"It's a long story...." Was the reply Wade decided on.

"Ok, nevermind them. How did you come here then?" Peter asked.

"Also a long story," Wade replied, grinning this time though.

"Well, my classes don't start until 9, I have time."


Peter and Wade talked for most of the night in Peter's dorm room. It was quiet and the bed was comfortable. They were sitting side by side chatting and occasionally starting at the wall in periods of comfortable silence. Just getting used to eachother's presence and sharing memories. It was almost 4am now and Peter's head was drooping onto Wade's shoulder as he tried to keep his eyes open.

"I only ever really had 1 friend." Wade said absent-mindedly. "He was this little kid in primary school who always got picked on. He was cute though, and good company. I taught him to fight back so that he didn't have to reply on me all the time."

Peter started starring at Wade very intensely, despite his sleep-fogged mind. "Was your friend by any chance, called Peter?"

"Yeah, he was, but I called him by nicknames usually. My favourite was Petey pi- ohhh."

Realisation dawned.

"Oh my God, baby boy, you can't just - I - WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!"

"I wasn't sure how to, and I only started suspecting it last week. Besides, it's not like you figured it out at all, I had to tell you."

"I - you - just - oh God Damnit"

Peter gasped as he felt rough calloused lips against his; he melted into it almost immediately though, slipping a hand around the back of Wade's neck.

Pulling away, Wade mumbled "I have wanted to do that for 7 years."

Peter grinned at Wade and whispered, "so have I."

He pulled Wade back into him, snaking his other arm around Wade's waist. Kissing him softly Wade snuck his hand under Peter's t-shirt. Peter pressed harder into the kiss as Wade's warm hands roamed up and down his back. Wade pulled him backwards onto the bed so that Peter was lying over him, Wade's scarred hands tugging slightly at Peter's pyjama top. His lips felt a little swollen as Wade slipped his tongue across them to deepen the kiss.

Peter pulled back this time, eliciting a confused moan from Wade underneath him. Brushing his curls out of his eyes, and trying to stifle a yawn, Peter dipped back down to work on Wade's neck. Wade turned red, feeling very self conscious as Peter started, but soon gave in. Moving up and down Wade's neck Peter continued to suck small hickeys into the tough skin, enjoying the small pleased groans coming from Wade.

"Shit Baby boy, you sure are good at this." Wade said breathlessly. "But I'm thinking you need some sleep," he added - Peter's movements were becoming increasingly sluggish.

"I'm ok, don't worry." Peter spoke gently into his neck.

"Yeah, I know that stubborn look, come lie here and go to sleep." Wade said, pulling himself out of the trance Peter had put him in.

Peter sat up slightly, running a hand down the side of Wade's face. "You're beautiful you know. I couldn't love those ice blue eyes more. They almost sparkle."

"Look, you little sap, come cuddle with me, you need sleep for tomorrow!"

"Fine, fine. I meant it though. They are gorgeous."

Wade rolled his eyes as Peter slide off of him to come and lie next to him. Pulling the blankets over them, Wade held Peter close to his chest as they both drifted off to sleep.

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