'Nora, truth or dare?' I ask her, hoping to break the awkward silence.

'Dare,' she chooses.

'Give a strip tease,' I say to her. 'In only your underwear.' She laughs and takes another shot before she gets up.

'I have a better idea,' Levi says, smirking. 'Why don't you and Nora do it together?' Nora looks at me, raising her eyebrows as an invitation.

'Oh, why not?' I shrug, getting up as well. Nora smiles and pulls me onto the coffee table. We slowly begin to dance. I sway my hips to the music, slowly taking my top off. I see Caleb swallow before he clears his throat. Liam is just smiling, clearly enjoying the show. I take my skirt off as well and turn around to face Nora.

'Let's give them something to look at,' she says before she slams her lips onto mine. We've kissed before, when we were drunk. It's no big deal for us. Everyone begins to cheer. I break the kiss and Nora and I both laugh before we get off the coffee table. Liam grabs my hand before I have the chance to put my clothes back on and pulls me onto his lap.

He kisses me hungrily and I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

'Get a room!' I hear Isaac scream, followed by a pillow against our heads.

'You've just gave me a hard one,' Liam whispers in my ear and I laugh.

'You will have to wait with that,' I whisper back before I get off his lap to put my clothes back on. When I sit down on the floor again I look at Caleb for a swift moment. When I see him looking at me as well, I feel my cheeks warm up. He just laughs and shakes his head before he looks away.

A few rounds pass before it's Calebs turn again.

'Dare,' is his choice. Levi is the one giving the challenge, so it'll be something, knowing him.

'Give Olivia a hickey.' Everyone goes silent for a moment and I look at Liam. He doesn't look pleased, but he isn't protesting. So when Caleb gets up I do the same. When he wraps one arm around my waist and looks into my eyes I feel my knees go weak. As his face comes closer, I almost expect him to kiss me, but then his lips touch my neck and I have to use all my strength to be able to stand on my feet and not fall into his arms completely. Just when he is about to suck he's being pulled away from me and before I can even blink, he's on the ground with Liam on top of him, punching his face.

'Liam!' I scream. 'Stop it!'

'Don't fucking touch her!' Liam growls to Caleb. Soon the roles are reversed and is Caleb hovering above Liam. He swings his arm backwards, clenching his hand into a fist in the process, ready to hit Liam, but then he stops himself.

'Don't tell me what to do,' he hisses, giving him a soft push before he stands up, leaving Liam on the ground. Caleb wipes his bloody nose with the sleeve of his leather jacket as he makes his way upstairs.

I look at Liam who's still lying on the ground. He doesn't have a scratch at all. Caleb could've beaten the shit out of him and he chose not to, even though he got hurt.

'Where are you going?' Liam asks me as I walk towards the stairs.

'To Caleb,' I say. 'To clean up your mess.'

'Olivia, I swear to God, if you go to him-' he says, but I don't listen anymore as I make my way upstairs. Liam is the one who was wrong. He had the chance to say he wasn't comfortable with Caleb giving me a hickey the moment Levi said it, but he didn't.

I gently knock on the bathroom door, hoping Caleb is in there.

'Caleb?' I ask. When I get no answer, I push the door handle down and open the door. Caleb is sitting on the ground, leaning against the bath tub with his head in between his knees. There are a few drops of blood on the ground.

'Hey, are you okay?' I ask, quickly squatting in front of him.

'Just a bit dizzy,' Caleb mumbles.

'Did he hit your temple?' I ask him and Caleb slowly nods, his eyes squeezing shut because of the pain.

'I'm so sorry about that Caleb,' I apologize. 'I don't know why he did that.'

'It's fine,' he murmurs. I look around and see some toilet paper, so I take a few pieces and wet them before I sit down in front of Caleb again.

'You have to look up,' I say to him, laying my fingers under his chin. 'Can you do that for me?' I gently push his chin upwards so he's looking at me. His upper lip is covered in blood and his eye is a bit blue.

'God, I'm so sorry I let that happen,' I whisper, softly wiping the blood away. 'I'll bring you home.'

'It's fine,' Caleb assures me. 'Isaac already offered me a ride.'

'Why didn't you hit Liam?' I mumble. I know I probably shouldn't be asking that, but I want to know. Almost every person would fight back.

'It wouldn't be a fair fight,' Caleb tells me. 'Liam still has some issues with his legs and stuff, I don't want to be the one to ruin that. Yeah, he punched me, pretty hard, but I don't want to stand in the way of his recovery.'

'You truly are too good for this world,' I whisper. He smiles softly and grabs my hand that's on his face.

'Liv, I...' Caleb murmurs. He bites his lip, doubt is seen in his eyes.

'What?' I breathe, suddenly aware of the little distance between us. But I can't move away from him. I'm drawn to him like a magnet.

'I... I can't get you out of my head,' he whispers. 'I can't let you go.'

'Caleb,' I mumble, closing my eyes as he caresses my cheek. All of the sudden I remember more than ever the feeling Caleb can give me. Before I can say anything else the bathroom door swings open and Liam stands in the doorway, not looking very pleased.

(Drama drama...

My uploading schedule has changed, once again... I just finished my first week of school so now I know what's the best schedule for me.

I'll upload on Wednesday and Saturday from now on, so this will be the last update on Sunday.

I hope you liked this chapter and tell me, do you think Olivia ends up with Caleb or Liam?)

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