Part - 08

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It was almost office hour.

Mr. Kim gave me a set of clothes. There was a shirt, a free size palazzo, and a pair of shoes. I must say he's got good taste. After getting ready, I went downstairs.

Mr. Kim was also ready for office. He was talking to a lady, maybe Mrs. Mary. He looked behind and looked at me.

'Thank you for this outfit.'

He didn't reply and kept staring at me. I was feeling awkward.

'Mr. Kim?', I snapped my fingers.

'Hmm?! Oh... Yeah. She's Mrs. Mary, the one I was talking about earlier.'

I greeted her and thanked her for everything she had done for me.

After that, we left for the office. 2 bodyguards were standing outside the building.

I thought it was a great opportunity for me to ask some of my questions. So, I asked one as we were walking towards the car.

'Um... Mr. Kim.'


'Why did you give me the job?'

'Why? You don't want it?', he asked without any expression on his face.

'No. I mean, that's not what I meant.', I said. 'I couldn't even answer just one question you asked me that day. I just don't get it. That's all.'

He didn't reply. One of the bodyguards opened the gate of the car.

'All right. Get in.', Mr. Kim said.

'B... But you...'

' Are you coming or not?', he asked after sitting in the car. 'I don't want to be late because of you.'

I silently got in the car.

He started to read a newspaper. We didn't speak a word to each other until we reached the office.

After getting out of the car he told me to arrange a meeting with the board of directors and the general manager and went in.

He didn't even look at me.


As I couldn't use my right hand, it was really hard for me to call everyone and prepare other important things for the meeting, typing emails, etc. with one hand.

'Hey, what happened to your hand?'

It was Jimin.

'It's a long story.' I replied.

'I see you've been struggling to make all these calls and other stuff. I thought maybe this would help.' He kept a cup of coffee on the table.

'Wow! Thank you so much, Jimin. You're an angel.'

'No problem. Just let me know if you need anything ok?'

'Sure, I will.' I smiled.

....... ^_^ .......

After somehow arranging everything for the meeting, I went to the CEO's room to ask a very important question which I totally missed earlier.

He was alone. So, I asked directly, 'Where is my phone?'

'What? Now you're asking me about your phone? What about the meeting?'

'I've managed everything with the land phone on my desk, sent emails, and also spoken to some of them in person.'

'Oh... Good. And as for your phone, it's totally useless now.' He forwarded a packet. 'Maybe it's because of the rain.'

'What?!' I took out my phone from the packet and tried to turn it on. But, it didn't work.

'See? Told ya. Anyway, please call the chairman of the MI group, Mr. Wathari, and tell him that I'll meet him tomorrow at 11 am.'


'And also this and that...'

'Hold on a sec! I'm not a machine, you know? I have to remember all of these words you're saying. So, please go slowly.' I said.

'Where's your notebook?'

'I can't write, remember?'

'Yeah right. I should have seen that coming. Here, take this. These are the works I told you to do right now.' He handed over a sheet of paper.

'Why didn't you give me this earlier?' I asked while looking at the paper.

'Just didn't feel like it. All right, you may go now. Make sure you don't make any mistakes.'

'I'll do my best.' I was about to leave the room, and one more thing crossed my mind.

I stopped and looked at him.

'What is it now?', he asked while looking at some papers in his hand.

'Um... How did you find me last night?'

'Where did that come from?' He looked at me.

'Don't ignore my question. You left me in front of the main entrance about an hour ago before I collapsed. So how could you be there at that moment?'

'Maybe it's because I never left.'

I was shocked. 'It's not funny.'

'Who said I was joking?'

'You can't be serious. I didn't see any cars on the road.'

In the spark of a moment, I remembered that there was a black car just like his, parked on the other side of the road when that psycho attacked me.

'So, you're there the whole time! And you saw what happened from the beginning!'

'Yes, I guess.'

That moment, I don't know how to describe it, my heart was aching and tears started to gather in the corner of my eyes.

'You... You saw that mad man attacking me, cutting my wrist... And... And my scream... You heard it. But you didn't feel it was necessary to save me?!', I said with a shaky voice.

'Hmm... Maybe not.'

My tears started flowing down. 'What kind of person are you? And here I was thinking you saved me.'

'Of course, I saved you.' he said. 'Look, if I didn't take you to my home after you collapsed, he could have done anything to you. And more importantly, if you didn't collapse, I had no reason to step in and save you. You should be thankful, you know?'

'Uh... Right. What if he killed me? What if I couldn't get away from him? But that doesn't bother you I guess. You would still enjoy the show.'

'Enough.' He stood up and walked towards me. 'Miss Lynn, maybe you are forgetting something. I'm your boss, not your boyfriend.'

He stopped in front of me. As he was leaning towards me I was attempting to move backward and accidentally sat on his table. Putting me in the middle, he held the table with both hands.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at him. He's so close. I closed my eyes.

'You can't expect me to help you whenever you wish.' He said. 'And one more thing, I'm not obliged to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems.'

As soon as he moved away, I immediately got off the table. What a weird person!

'Do I make myself clear?' He asked while looking the other way.

'E... Yes, Sir.' I said.

'Good. Now leave.'

My heart was beating fast. What was that?! He was so close. And solving my problems? What did he mean by that? 

really don't get this guy.

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