Part - 07

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When I woke up, my head was hurting for some reason, and so was my wrist. While I was struggling to open my eyes, the pain in the wrist of my right hand reminded me of the incident before I lost consciousness.

Sitting down instantly I saw I had a bandage on my wrist. The next thing I realized was that I wasn't in my room. It was a big wide room with expensive and luxurious furniture and a window wall on my left side.

It's definitely not my room. What happened after I fell? Where am I now? Maybe it's that psycho's apartment from last night.

I checked my clothes, it wasn't the same as the one I was wearing last night. Someone changed my clothes into a night suit.

Did he do something to me?!

So, many horrible thoughts were crossing my mind.

It's all over.

One night had turned my world upside down. At first, I thought I would call Taehyung, but that psycho was dangerous. What if he harmed Tae? Then, I decided that I would call the police.

So, I started searching for my purse and my phone. But I couldn't find them anywhere. I was trying hard not to panic.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. My whole body started shivering. Of course, the door wasn't locked from the inside. Why is he knocking? I gulped.

As the door handle started to move, I picked up a flower vase with my left hand and tiptoed to the door.

Yeah, I was planning to hit his head with that vase and run away. But, my hands were shaking. I hadn't hit anyone before, at least the situation was not like that.

What if I hit him so hard that he ends up dead? No, no, no... It's gonna be fine. I shook my head.

As soon as I saw a man entering the room, I stepped forward, closed my eyes and I blew a strike with all my might.

But, I didn't make it. In the splash of the moment, I heard the sound of something breaking and felt my wrist being held by a hand. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was pushed and my back slammed against the wall.

I didn't even dare to look at him. He was holding the wrist of my left hand tightly. I started struggling to make him let go of my hand.

'What do you want?' I shouted and started to cry. 'Let me go, you psycho.'

'All right, enough struggling. Now look at me.' he said with a calm voice.

The voice was somewhat familiar to me. So, I stopped panicking and looked at him. I was shocked by what I saw.

'You?!' I shouted. 'So, you're the one who kidnapped me, Mr. Kim!' Yeah, it was him, my boss, Kim Namjoon.

'Wha... Uhh... Seriously?!' he seemed shocked too. 'Have you lost it?' he let go of my hand and started acting speechless and all. 'For your kind information, I don't have any interest in you. Okay?'

'Fine, then tell me why am I here? Where is this place?' I asked.

'It's my apartment. So, please don't stay here for very long. I don't allow outsiders.'

'Well, it wasn't my wish to come here in the first place. You're the one who brought me.'

'Guess I should've left you there.' he sighed. 'Anyway, come downstairs. Breakfast's ready.'

I was really hungry. So, I started to head towards the door without any second thought. All of a sudden he put his hand around my stomach and pulled me backward. I could feel my back slamming against his chest. My heart started beating fast. His body was warm. My face felt so hot, it was as if I had a fever as high as 104 °F.

What the hell am I thinking?

I stepped on his feet and asked, 'Excuse me, what the hell was that just now?' I tried my best to hide my face by looking the other way.

'What?!' he said while rubbing his feet. 'Are you mad or something? Why did you step on my foot?'

'Why did you pull me back like that?' I asked. 'It was your fault in the first place.'

'I think you should check your eyes. Can't you see the broken pieces of glass ahead?'

I looked at the floor. It's the glass that was broken earlier. I felt a little embarrassed.

'And, yeah... please check your brain as well.' he turned his back towards me and started walking.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even say 'sorry'.

I followed him to the dining table. There was a wide corridor on our way to the stairs. Then a huge living room with elegant furniture and two large bookshelves in one corner right underneath the stairs on the main floor.

After coming downstairs, on the right side after passing the living room was a kitchen and the dining table was right in front of that.

'Woow... This is a duplex apartment.' I said while looking around. 'You live here alone?'

'Hmm. Why?' he asked as he was bringing food from the kitchen. 'Do you want to live with me?'

'Of course not.' I exclaimed. 'I was just a little curious, that's all.'

'I see.' he smiled.

'By the way, who changed my clothes?' I asked.

'Who do you think?' he asked me while serving breakfast and looked at me.

'Don't tell me it was... No, no, no... I don't even want to think about it. Just tell me already.'

'Where do you even get the courage to talk to me like that?!'

'Excuse me, we are not in the office right now. And you're not my boss here.'

'Hmm...' he nodded. 'I guess that's true.'

'Yeah, now tell me.'

'Don't worry.' he smiled. 'It wasn't me.'

'Then? Who was it?'

'Mrs. Mary.' he said.' She is the housekeeper. She's also the one who made these breakfasts.'

'Thank God!'

I felt relieved after hearing that it wasn't him.

The most embarrassing thing happened when I realized I can't eat with my right hand. So, I was attempting to eat with my left hand. But, I failed.

Me. Kim was sitting at the opposite end of the table. He took his plate and sat on the chair beside me.

'Why are you sitting here?'

He didn't answer.

After that, he took the spoon from me and tried to feed me. I was so shocked that my jaw dropped a little.

'What are you looking at? Just eat already.'

'Huh?!... Oh, no no it's all right. I can eat by myself.'

'Don't talk too much. Just eat up.', he looked away.

His face was all red. I really wanted to laugh but I couldn't. Because I was starving and was unable to eat by myself. And, he was the one showing kindness. If I laughed, he would feel more awkward.

But, he was so sweet that it was hard for me to hold back my laughter.

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