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All his life he had been waiting for something to happen to him. Tom lived a very bland life in a very bland town with a very bland family and a very bland job.

Day in, day out, it was always the same. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, go back to work, go home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to sleep, repeat.

Tom knew he had to be here on earth for a purpose...it's just that God hadn't gotten around to revealing it to him yet. It must be something extra special.

So he waited patiently, and sometimes impatiently, for that special something to come around. Nothing ever did.

Until one day... nothing happened to him. But his coworker, Fred, mysteriously disappeared. That was it.

Tom waited until the day he died. The most special thing that ever happened to him was dying.

I guess some people are just destined to have an uneventful life.

And So It Begins AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora