Left Behind

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Peter watched as Dani blinked out of existence.

"Ten." He started counting down.

"Nine." His heartbeat was in his throat.

"Eight." He fumbled in his pocket.

"Seven." His throat was dry as he grasped the box.

"Six." With shaking fingers, he managed to pull the box out.

"Five." The box slipped out of his hand, and he quickly reached down to pick it back up.

"Four." Box in hand, he straightened up again.

"Three." He closed his eyes.

"Two." His hands were clenched tight around the box.

"One." A deep breath in.

"Zero." He opened his eyes again. The empty room stared back at him.

That's when he knew. She was never coming back. Opening the box, he set it on her bed stand.

In the box was a ring he never got the chance to give her.

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