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The things...all the things I've seen. It's the same forwards and backwards. It's all the same. We said we'd learn from the past, but we never did. What is the point anymore? Letting this go on longer just means more pain. More loss. More mistakes and mishaps and things more than mere mishaps. Why? What went wrong? How did we end up in this rabbit hole?

People always say that things happen for a reason. They usually use those words to comfort someone who has gone through a difficult time, telling them that there will be a rainbow at the end of their rainstorm.

They're only half right. Things do happen for a reason. Terrible reasons, but reasons nonetheless. Things don't happen because of the rainbow waiting; things happen because of the heavy clouds in the sky. They carry around condensed water everywhere, and when it gets too heavy, they break and dump everything on the ground and the unfortunate, tiny humans trying to wait for the rainbow who get in the way.

Your life is messed up because your parents didn't know how to deal with each other and took it out on you. Your life is messed up because you took that pain out on a bottle. Your life is messed up because you wouldn't listen to the people who were trying to help. Your life is messed up because of you, and everything around you, and everything you did.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. You have all your problems to blame on the past, not the future.

Though I suppose it doesn't matter.

Both suck.

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