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I look at the man before me and respond to his accusation. "The only way for the universe to survive is to hit the reset button. To start everything over. People think everything has to have a beginning and an end. But this surely is not the case. Look only to the shackles around your wrist. Are they not a circle? A circle with no tail. And that is exactly how the universe preserves itself. No loose ends, everything played again and again. It's like the earth. We used to think the earth was flat simply because it was so enormous. But once we finally crossed all seven seas, we discovered it was really round. Similarly, we think time is linear. But we simply have not seen the full picture. Time is merely a large circle. And thus, the universe is in its eternal cycle, expanding and collapsing, expanding and collapsing. Destroying the old to make way for the new. We are only one link in the chain. To think we are important enough to destroy the universe is too arrogant of us. How can something as insignificant as humanity destroy the universe that has endured for so long?"

"So you are going to destroy everything," the man says.

He clearly still doesn't understand, but that is to be expected of someone from the Before Timetravel period. "No. I am going to reset everything."

"You're willing to remove everything humans have created. All your friends, family, pets, humankind, history, everyone and everything so you can "reset" the universe?" the man asks.

I press my finger down and reply, "I am destined to do this. I am here to reset. I am here to make sure the universe keeps running in its circle. I release this button, and the universe will reset. There is nothing you can do anymore. I have already seen what will happen."

Intergalactic soldiers step out of a vortex that forms in the middle of the room. A soldier sees me in my chains and the man. In the blink of an eye, the soldier brings up her dark matter gun and blasts me. Just like that, everything is gone.

The button had been released. The universe has reset.

And so it begins again.

And So It Begins AgainWhere stories live. Discover now