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Oftentimes when we do something we weren't supposed to do, we are too scared to tell someone because of fear of punishment. If there was no threat of punishment hanging over our heads, would more people be brave enough to admit their faults?

If you didn't have to worry about appearing stupid, would you own up to your mistakes? If you didn't have to worry about fitting in, would you be yourself? If you didn't have to worry about what others thought, would you be free to speak your mind? I think yes.

But there has to be a punishment or else no one will see the harm in doing wrong. If there is no punishment for murder, than people will assume that murder is okay. Then they'll murder people whenever they feel like it because it doesn't affect them negatively in any way. Punishment is needed to discourage wrong behavior.

However, the issue arises; what kind of punishment is needed for what kind of crime? Certainly speeding doesn't hold the same weight as murder, so punishment can't be the same for everything. If you murder someone, are you sentenced to death, a lifetime behind bars, or a $100 fine? Who determines what the punishment is?

Is punishment good or bad?

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