“You have lost your mind,” she confirmed, still in shock from his question.

“No Cara, there is method behind my madness. My papa had a contract drawn up that states I can’t ever sell the business. If I want to get rid of it I have to sell it back to him, but I’ve had a lawyer looking through it and he’s found a loophole.” He informed her.

Lucy was even more confused than she had been. She watched him as he slumped back into the chair and ran his hand over the dark wood of the desk.

“I don’t understand.” She told him, shifting closer; he pulled her off the desk and onto his lap.

Danny knew he had to be careful how he explained himself because she could think he was using her if it came out wrong.

“There is a clause that my papa obviously overlooked, I can’t sell the business, but I can sign it over to immediate family. If you were my wife you would be immediate family.” He told her with a sly smirk.

Lucy leaned forward and looked at him suspiciously, had he just wooed her so that he could put this plan into action. She started to worry that it was the real reason he wanted her, and he obviously saw the worry on her face because started to shake his head.

“I never had any intention of doing this honestly, but my papa is interfering too much now and I’ve had enough. It’s not just going to be some marriage of convenience, well not on my part anyway. I know we have been a bit on and off over the last couple of months, but now there are no secrets between us and you know I will look after you.” He told her as he kissed her again.

Lucy wondered what Joey would say if she announced that, she was not only with Danny, but marrying him it would be his worst nightmare. She ran her hands over Danny’s olive skin and sighed.

“No I can’t, I really like you, but marriage?”

Danny sighed and pushed her back on the table, he would have to keep working on her he thought. She giggled when she realised his intention, all of the paperwork she had tidied up was pushed onto the floor as he pushed her up the desk, and ripped his shirt from her body. He trailed red hot kisses across her body, and she gripped onto his shoulders, why did he always have that effect on her.

Danny had carried her into the bedroom to continue what they had started in his office; she was lying on his chest tired and breathless from their hours of lovemaking.

“Why do you want to sign the business over though? I mean surely your father hasn’t got that much say?” She questioned.

Danny ran a hand through his short hair and sighed, “I don’t want to be part of it anymore, I don’t want this life Lucy and the shit that comes with it, and I certainly don’t want this for my children. I want to sign the business over to you then we can sell it and there will be nothing he can do about it.”

Lucy frowned at him she could see where he was coming from, but why rush into marriage. If their relationship went somewhere then she would marry him, but just to get married so that he could sell the businesses was stupid.

“Why can’t it wait what is the rush?” She asked him.

Danny sighed, he knew his papa and he knew that if he announced his relationship to Lucy then he would change the goal posts again, his papa would do anything he could to ensure that the businesses stayed in Capardi possession.

“It’s complicated, but I know my papa and I know how his twisted mind works,” he told her looking away from her.

Lucy sensed that he wasn’t going to explain what he meant, but there was no way she could marry him. Joey would actually kill her, she couldn’t even imagine his reaction when he found out about them being together, he would have a heart attack if she mentioned marriage.

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