Chapter 9: First Kiss Part 2

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Mom: Clay...

Dad: Yes?

Mom: We have to ask Scorch to come and tell this part of the story

Dad: ...WHAT?!

Mom: We have to, I don't remember much about this part...but he knows what he did

Dad: No! We are not going to ask that jerk to tell our kids the story about how we started to love each other!

Mom: We promised we would tell the, we are going to do that

Dad: Why can't we ask Fawn to tell this part

Mom: ...I guess she's better than Scorch

Dad: Yeah!

Fawn: Hey Clay...hi Peril, how are the dragonets?

Mom: They just went to Jade Mountain

Fawn: Aw, that's wanted to tell your kids the part were Scorch djdfh kadfhdshe djkafbdf

Dad: Don't spoil!

Fawn: ooh, sorry...

Mom: Anyway, tell the story...

Fawn: I was hiding behind the bushes with Scorch when....

Fawn's POV

Watching Peril and Clay kiss, made Fawn realize that she had to tell Scorch that she was in love with him. It was actually a wake up call for Fawn, it told her that Peril and Clay are happy together and she shouldn't be apart about breaking them up. Fawn sighed and looked at Scorch,  he had his angry scowl on. Which, for the record, is not good. 

"What nasty idea do you have this time?" Fawn groaned. Scorch grinned and lifted a rock, it had sharp edges and it was very ruff. "A rock? What are you going to do, throw it at Peril and knock her out so you can tell her a stupid lie?" 

"Precisely," Scorch said, tossing the rock from his forearms back and forth. Fawn shook her head angrily and sighed. 

"Even if you could throw it, how will you make the rock not melt before it hits Peril's scales?" Fawn reminded. 

"I enchant this rock to not be destroyed..." Scorch whispered to the rock. Fawn groaned angrily and frowned. He's probably going to say something like erase their memories or a love spell, Fawn thought. Wait...he has a scroll in his room that has the same magic like Darkstalker's scroll. I can use this to make an antidote for the spell he is going to put on Peril. "And, to erase the memory that the user chooses from the victim's mind." 

"You are going to erase her memory?" hissed Fawn. 

"Yup," Scorch replied. "When Clay and Peril shared their kiss on the mountain and all the romantic things they did," he whispered to the rock. It glowed a light blue colour and then went back to it's normal colour. Scorch threw the rock at Peril, she fell to the floor unconscious. 

"Peril?!" Clay said urgently. "Peril wake up!" Clay bent down and picked up Peril. Scorch started to leave Fawn behind the bush. 

"Where are you going?" Fawn hissed. 

"We can't have Clay remembering about this scene," Scorch whispered. Fawn groaned and watched and Scorch walked up to Clay and did the same thing he did to Peril to Clay. "Fawn! Help me bring them inside!" 

Mom: Pause! Thanks for you side of the story

Fawn: No problem...I hope I didn't ruin your relationship

Dad: You didn't 

Mom: You helped us fall in love

Fawn: Aw, thanks guys...well...good luck...

Mom: Well...let's tell the kids my side again

Dad: It has been a while before I told my side

Mom: Don't worry the next part is about you and your friends

Dad: RIGHT! 

Mom: I just woke up...

Peril's POV

Everything was starting to open up, Peril saw a face next to her. He had brownish orangish Clay. "C-Clay?" Peril stuttered, groggily. A talon was laid on Peril's talon. 

"Sorry, it's Scorch," said the dragon. Peril groaned tiredly and then her vision cleared. The dragon next to her was Scorch. The handsome SkyWing and Peril were in her sleeping cave on one of the beds. "You had a nasty fall." 

"What happened-I mean-how did I fall?" Peril asked. 

"Well, as you were flying, you weren't paying attention and you got struck by lightning. You started to fall to the earth and I was there to save you...the same way you saved me from jumping off a cliff without flying," Scorch explained. He laughed to the memory. "I'm sorry...I never should have pushed you into the double date." 

"No, no, it was...well...enjoyable...I think, I can't really remember," Peril said, scratching her snout. Scorch sighed and started to leave, "where are you going?" 

"I'm going to my cave," Scorch said. Peril pulled him closer, she brought him close enough so she could whisper. 

"A heroic act should be rewarded," Peril whispered. She pressed her snout against Scorch's snout. Scorch was surprised but continued, happy for the affection. As she was kissing him, she felt a strange feeling, like she was doing something wrong. Peril ignored it and then took a breath. 

"Wow," Scorch panted. "That-that-that-"

"That was wrong," Peril whispered. Scorch looked at her angrily. "For some reason, I feel like I shouldn't date you." 

Scorch sighed, "I hoped it wouldn't come to this...but...Peril Of the SkyWings, I enchant you to love me!" 

"WAIT WHAT?!" Peril screeched. Then it all went down hill from there. 

Dad: Pause! We might need Fawn again. 

Fawn: Hello! 

Mom: Where you there when I was on a love spell? 

Fawn: Yes! 

Mom: Can you tell us what you did? 

Fawn: Sure...uh, I was standing there in shock

Fawn's POV

Fawn stood there in shock as she watched Scorch put a love spell on Peril. Now she knew her mission was much more important. Fawn ran to Scorch's room and searched for his scroll. Once she found it she wrote: 

I enchant Peril and Clay to regain their memories and return to normal once they share true loves kiss. 

Fawn tore the piece of paper and ran to her cave. 

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