Chapter 4: The Trick

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Mom: So, Kids, We are still on my Point of view so don't drown yourself in boredom yet. 

Dad: Like they didn't do that already? 

Mom: What happened to you? You were so kind, baffled, and accidentally heroic. Now your lazy, sometimes kind, baffled, and not heroic

Dad: ...I have a bad mood today

Mom: I can see that

Dad: It's just that...well...

Mom: Can we pick this conversation up when we are done telling out kids the story? 

Dad: Right. 

Mom: Anyway, after my conversation with Scorch...

Dad: That Dirty, No-good RAT! 

Mom: Honey, cool down...

Dad: Sorry...anyway, continue with the story

Mom: sure you want to tell the kids? 

Dad: Yes. 

Mom: Okay...after my conversation with Scorch...

Peril's POV 

A puff of smoke came out of her snout as Peril sat with her friends. She just told them what she saw the night before. So far she didn't tell them about Scorch. Turtle's jaw dropped, Moon looked baffled, Qibli was confused, and Kinkajou's scales kept changing to all the colors of the rainbow. Winter was there but he was just visiting. Peril assumed that he visiting Qibli, Moon, Turtle, and Kinkajou rather than her. But his head was tilted and he was frowning. 

"B-but," Qibli sputtered. "Clay was s-so into you!" He exclaimed. Moon nodded along and she started to pace. They were in the library. 

"It's TRUE! I read his mind! He liked you!" Moon shouted. Peril couldn't tell if she shouting angrily or she was just shocked. 

"SHHH!" Starflight scolded. 

"Sorry Starflight," Moon whispered. The fact that Starflight was listening made Peril uncomfortable. But this was the only place were Peril could find Moon and Qibli. And she really wanted to tell them. 

"So, the love of your life...kissed another girl?" Winter clarified. She nodded and sighed. "But?" 

"But Scorch offered to help me," Peril sighed. 

"That can't be good," Turtle muttered. Peril rolled eyes and sighed. "But he is a good dragon." 

"Yeah, he is," the girls grinned. Turtle, Qibli, and Winter grunted and frowned. 

"I'll be fine right?" she sighed. "Winter survived heart ache, ever since Moon chose Qibli instead of Winter," Peril pointed at Winter. The group looked at Winter, expecting him to say something. Winter looked at Moon and Qibli awkwardly and nodded his head. 

"Uh, yeah, um, I did survive that...I didn't at all cry my eyes out when I found out," Winter lied. Peril was pretty sure he was lying. Don't worry Winter, I won't tell anyone your secret, Peril thought. When Moon, Qibli, Turtle, and Kinkajou were ahead of Winter and Peril, Winter leaned close enough to Peril so his snout won't burn. "I actually did cry my tell anyone, I'll rip your face off," Winter growled. 

"Okay, okay," Peril rolled her eyes. Peril walked up to Turtle and said, "How did you and Kinkajou get together?" she wondered. 

"Uh, I guess when I made her jealous," Turtle said. Peril nodded her head, then an idea popped into her fiery brain. What if she made Clay jealous? Will it work? Maybe. And she knew exactly who will help her. 

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