Chapter 2: What She Saw

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Mom: So, While your father was off flirting with another girl, I was taking care of a good friend named Scorch

Dad: Try lover...friend ugh. 

Mom: This is my story

Dad: Right...

Peril's POV

"Why did you want to jump off a mountain without flying?!" Peril growled at the new SkyWing replacement. Because the parents of the new MudWing and IceWing didn't like that Peril was counted as the SkyWing, the school had to get another SkyWing for the Jade Winglet. So, Peril had to face this boy SkyWing who was really handsome, funny, kind, and stupid everyday. 

"I just wanted to be brave...for you," Scorch admitted. Peril looked at Scorch with a look of admiration but it also came out looking like he was stupid. "But clearly this is what happened," he sighed as Kinkajou and Moon bandaged him up. But most of the time they were bandaging his forearms (which wasn't were his injuries were). Qibli and Turtle huffed and watched painfully as Moon and Kinkajou had a lovey-dovey look on their faces. 

"Well that was VERY STUPID of you!" Peril snapped. Scorch looked down and avoided her eyes. "but, that was very brave of you..." Peril said. "but very STUPID!" 

"I at least you're here," Scorch smiled very cutely at Peril. She had to look away to keep her from smiling back. Focus Peril! You like Clay, not Scorch, Peril reminded herself. How will Clay feel if he saw you checking out Scorch's forearms...he probably won't even care...but still have hope! Peril looked back at Scorch and found out that Qibli, Turtle, Kinkajou, and Moon were gone. 

It was just Peril and Scorch. The two looked at each other awkwardly. Peril glanced a look into his beautiful amber eyes. Peril had to look away before she was hypnotised by his gorgeous eyes. "Peril, can you get me a cow?" Scorch asked suddenly. 

"Yeah, yeah, of course!" Peril rambled as she dashed out the door. But when she walked toward the Prey Center, she heard the most painful thing in the world. 

"Clay," said a female dragon. "I really enjoyed this date," she said, Peril imagined her smiling. Peril covered her mouth her talons and pressed them so close to her snout that it was going to leave a mark. 

"Me too," Clay whispered. Peril felt the emptiness that she felt when she found out that her mother died, or when she saw Clay leave, or when she found out that Clay called her a friend. She heard talons shuffle then when Peril had enough, she looked forward and saw the most horrible thing in the world. 

She saw Clay-the love of her life-kissing another dragon. Peril bit her tongue and ran away. It took all her energy to not barge in the middle of that kiss and tell Clay her feelings. Peril felt the steam coming out of her eyes. But this time she didn't care that she was making the crying noises. Every one should know that she was hurting. Everyone should know. 

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