Chapter 11: Friends

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Mom: So, how was date night?

Dad: Was it as good as you described it?

Deathbringer: Better! We went out to our favorite spot in the rainforest and watched the sunset. AND we had the hut all to our selves. Because Kinkajou-

Mom: We don't want to hear this right now, we have an story to tell our kids

Deathbringer: got it... Anyway....

Deathbringer's POV

"Wow, you're amazing," Peril swooned as Deathbringer, Riptide, and Fatespeaker walked into the cave. She was siting next to a dragon that was deep orange with amber eyes. He had his wing around her and he pulled her closer to him. Peril giggled like a one year old dragonet. Fatespeaker glanced at Deathbringer in horror, she pointed to the dragon and to Fatespeaker's head. Deathbringer nodded but what really caught his attention was the fact that the strange dragon could actually TOUCH Peril! 

"Aw, thanks darling," purred the mystery dragon. Peril giggled again-it was REALLY starting to get on Deathbringer's nerves. "Did you know that I saved you from dying?" He asked. 

"Really? How did you do that, Scorch?" Peril asked, like two year old dragonet was asking about the SandWing Sensation. 

"Well, you were flying in the sky because you, uh, wanted to see your friends," Scorch stammered. Clearly he was thinking about what to say. "I was following you because you were pretty upset when you left Jade Mountain. As you were flying, lighting struck you and you started to fall from the sky," Scorch continued. "So, as you fell, I caught you just before you hit the water." 

Peril stared at him in awe as she nuzzled her head against his neck. It was kinda sickening to watch. Deathbringer looked at Riptide and saw that Riptide was almost close to throwing up.  Fatespeaker was just plain confused and Deathbringer shock. "Wow, that was SO brave of you!" Peril swooned. 

"Ahem," Deathbringer pretended to clear his throat. Scorch took  his eyes off Peril and faced the small group. However, Peril didn't take her strange blue eyes off Scorch.  "Hey Peril, have you forgotten that you were supposed to meet at the entrance or were you to occupied with your...your...uh...dragon?" Deathbringer asked Peril in a serious tone. 

"Hm? What?" Peril asked when she finally took her eyes off Scorch. "What did you say? Oh, hey Bringer, Riptide, and Fate," Peril greeted but her eyes went back to Scorch. "When did you guys get here?" 

"Uh, like five minutes ago," Riptide replied, angry. 

"And I was ALWAYS here!" Fatespeaker argued. Peril shrugged and didn't take her eyes off Scorch. "Peril. You were supposed to greet us at the-"

"Guys! This is boyfriend," Peril sighed dreamily. Deathbringer scoffed and pushed Scorch away from Peril. 

"Hey! Watch it!" Scorch growled. 

"Actually, you watch it because I'm a dragon who lives up to his name," Deathbringer said angrily. "And my name is Deathbringer." 

Scorch backed away and walked away growling, when he was gone, Peril growled at Deathbringer. "What the moons was that?!" Peril growled. "I love Scorch!" 

Deathbringer rolled his eyes and sighed, "Just come to the Prey Center so we can have friend dinner." Peril huffed and when she walked away, Deathbringer said, "She's on animus love spell." 

"Why would you say that?" Riptide asked. 

"Because...that's not the real Peril." 

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