Chapter 12: The Proposal

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Mom: So, Deathbringer went back to the Rain forest

Dad: So, we are on our own again

Mom: can be your Point of View now

Dad: YAY! Okay kids...I was in the Prey Center with my friends when...

Clay's POV

They were in the Prey Center eating goat, cow, pig, fish, and fruit. Tsunami had the fish, Sunny had the goat, Starflight had the pig, Clay had cow, and Glory had fruit. It took two minutes for Clay to finish the cow. "A-Are you going to finish that?" Clay asked Starflight.

"Yes Clay, I'm going to eat this pig," Starflight laughed. Clay sighed sadly and bowed his head.

"Aw, here Clay, you can have my goat," Sunny smiled kindly. Clay took the goat greedy and gobbled up the goat. After they finished eating, four dragons walked in. All of the were angry. The dragons were Deathbringer, Fatespeaker, Riptide, and Peril. Clay choked on his goat when he watched her walk in with a scrawl.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but notice that her scales glittered in the sunlight. "Hey Peril," Clay stammered.

"Hi Clay," Peril said with no hesitation. Usually Peril would say something not normal, but now she's just being...well...normal. But then, Peril mouthed something REALLY unusual. She mouthed, help

"I have something to tell you," Deathbringer whispered.

"What do you need to tell me?" Clay whispered loudly.

"Peril is-"

Talons came running in before Deathbringer could finish his sentence. Peril turned toward him and gave him a huge smile. The dragon was none other than Scorch. "Scorchy, where have you been! It's been so long!" Peril exclaimed dramatically.

"I've been looking for you," Scorch purred. Clay saw Deathbringer roll his eyes. "I need to ask you something." Fatespeaker's head lifted up and she glared at Deathbringer. Deathbringer looked at the annoying couple with his eyes wide.

"Actually, I have something to-"

"No, I'll go with Scorch, it was nice to be around you guys." Peril cut Deathbringer off. "Bye Tide, Fat, Bringer. Tsunami, Sunny, Glory, Starflight, and..." Peril hesitated. "Steve?"

"Did she just call me Fat?" Fatespeaker asked, offended.

"Did she just call me Steve?" Clay asked. The group gasped.

"That's not fair, I got could Fat and I get no gasp!" Fatespeaker growled. "Some group of friends you are."

"Your not fat Fatespeaker, your beautiful," Starflight whispered in her ear. She blushed.

Not a moment to soon Peril came back squealing. "Guys, GUYS GUYS!!!!" Peril sang. "I'm getting married!"

"WHAT!" The group shouted.

"YES!" Fatespeaker beamed. The group looked at her with confused looks. "Uh, we'll talk later," Fatespeaker stammered.

Clay choked again with the goat. Glory spit out her fruit. Tsunami's jaw dropped. Starflight shook his head rapidly. Sunny's eyes were wide in shock. Riptide growled angrily. Fatespeaker was still smiling. And Deathbringer stared at Peril blankly. "M-married?" Clay choked.

"Yup," Scorch grinned. "With me."

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