Chapter 8: First Kiss Part 1

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Mom: That date was awesome! We should defiantly do something like that more often

Dad: You think so?

Mom: Yeah!

Dad: Great! Anyway, are we going to finish the story for our children?

Mom: Right, Anyway, after our double date...

Peril's POV

The wind blew in Peril's face, Peril loved flying. She felt that she could be free, that she didn't have to worry about Clay, or being the most hated dragon in all of Pyrhhia, or even being heartbroken. The night when Clay kissed Fawn, after Scorch talked to her, she flew in the night sky for almost the full night. She felt so light, It was as if she was floating.

Flying around the Claws of Cloud Mountain was the most calming, self healing, and best thing she could ever do when she felt sad. Even if Peril wanted to set a bunch of dragons on fire, she would always fly around the mountains to calm herself, now that is. Before she would just set a bunch of dragons on fire. Now she had the morning sky, noon sky, and night sky to calm her nerves.

If she was sad, take a flight around the mountains. If she felt angry, take a flight around the mountains. If she was happy, take a flight around the mountains. Right now, she was sad, and she just wanted to take a flight around the mountains. And that's what she did. She flew around the mountains for practically the whole night. (Sorry if I wrote to much about flying at night and flying in general. I just love the fresh smell of the night)

While Peril was flying, she was thinking. She thought about what Fawn said, it was so strange but she made a promise to run out crying.


Peril followed Fawn out to the forest, which was really hard to do because she didn't want to set the trees on fire...not that she wouldn't mind doing that. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Peril asked.

"You have to do exactly as I say or else my boss will find a way to kill you," Fawn threatened. Peril snorted and laughed.

"There is no way to kill me!" Peril laughed. "I can name a few things that can't kill me. Such as, a dragonflame cactus, a crocodile, and some other weapons," Peril scoffed, "so, just try to kill me. Just try. Because I will gladly kill you."

"I don't want to kill you," Fawn whispered. "Heck, my boss loves you," Fawn growled, something about the way she said that made Peril feel sympathy toward her. "But I need you to fly out of here crying."

"Why would I do anything for you?" Peril shot. Fawn chuckled and moved toward Peril. Peril growled and said, "one step closer and I'll burn those beautiful caramel brown scales."

"Relax firescales," Fawn rolled her eyes. "I'm just getting closer for dramatic effect."

"Why the heck would you need dramatic effect?" Peril wondered spitefully.

"Because I know you love Clay and not Scorch," Fawn whispered, loudly. "And if you don't run away crying, then I'll tell everyone."

Peril's eyes widened but she still had her spiteful face on. "I'm only going to do this because I don't want Clay to find out...but next time...I will get you back," Peril threatened. With that, Peril took off into the sky making crying noises.

~Flashback Ending~

And that was how Peril started to fly around the beautiful mountains. Why didn't I let Fawn tell Clay I loved him?! Ugh! After one more round of flying, Peril landed on the top of Jade Mountain. Surprisingly, Clay was there, watching the moons. She walked over to him awkwardly. What should I say to him, Peril thought. Without her persimmon, her talons started to move towards him. Agh! Think when you're there!

"Hey, Clay," Peril greeted. Clay turned around and when he saw her, his fave lit up.

"Hey Peril," Clay greeted. "Do you wanna sit down next to me?" Peril nodded and Clay scooted sideways and Peril sat down next to him. "Are you okay?" Clay asked.

"Yeah!" Peril exclaimed. Clay raised an eye ridge, the look that he was giving her made Peril want to tell him he truth. "I'm fine!"

"Peril?" Clay asked warningly. "Tell me the truth."

"I'm not fine," Peril sighed. "Look Clay, I have been lying to you," she groaned.

"What do you mean?" Clay asked.

"What I mean is that...I don't love Scorch," Peril cried. "I love you," she sobbed. Peril laid down and wrapped herself in her wings. Peril started to cry in her wings, when she felt another pair of wings wrap around her. Peril looked up and saw Clay looking down at her with a calming, loving, and caring smile.

"Me too," Clay whispered. "I love you too."

"B-but what about Fawn?" Peril asked.

"I never loved her. After I kissed her, I saw you instead of her. So, I knew that I didn't love her," Clay reasoned. "Fawn just wanted to have my back when I went to that double date thing."

"Oh," Peril said. "So, you saw me instead of Fawn after you kissed her?" Peril clarified.

"Yes," he whispered.

"I just wanna check one thing," Peril whispered back. She leaned forward and Clay leaned close to her. With in a few seconds, their snouts touched. And it felt...magical. It felt like her whole world was coming together. Peril felt whole again. And she could tell that Clay felt the same.

Reluctantly, they pulled away to breathe. "Wow," they said together. Peril giggled and laid her snout on Clay's neck.

"That...was...magical," they said together.

"So? Do you think you wanna try us being together?" Peril asked.

"I do," Clay replied.


"Awesome," Clay said. But even if this moment was amazing, it didn't last. Because after a few minutes of gazing into each other's eyes. Peril blacked out.


Dad: I hate what happens next...

Mom: Clay! No spoilers!

Dad: least we don't have to do through that again

Mom: Yeah

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