Chapter 15: The Wedding Part 1

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Mom: We are near the end of the story

Dad: Right...but I love our story

Mom: Yeah, but we gotten kinda sloppy for a short time

Dad: Then let's make these last two stories be the best that we ever written! 

Mom: YEAH! 

Dad: So, you want it to be your prospective or mine? 

Mom: I think it would be better if we had my prospective first then yours

Dad: Okay

Mom: Wait! Remember how you said that my worst day was my wedding day? 

Dad: Yeah...when did I say that? Like the first chapter? 

Mom: Yeah...but you got it wrong, the wedding was the best and the worst

Dad: So...bittersweet? 

Mom: Yeah

Dad: Just like you

Mom: ....Was that a roast or compliment? 

Dad: *confused* uh...did you say roast? Like chicken roast? 

Mom: *frowning* Forget it...

Mom: So I was in the back looking out....

Peril's POV (When she is brainwashed) 

Today was the day. It was the day that Peril of the SkyWings was going to marry the love of her life. felt REALLY strange to think about marry Scorch. It felt like it was right but at the same time, not. Peril paced in the back and waited for her mind to be made up. 

Do I love Scorch, Peril thought. I most certainly act like I do. I feel like I do. But do I know I love him? This question rang through her head. It was like being asked Clay or Turtle. Before, Peril would choose Clay. But now she doesn't know who exactly to choose. I mean, I did say YES to Scorch...but did I really say yes? 

"Peril? Are you okay?" Scorch asked, interrupting Peril's thoughts. "You aren't having second thoughts...right?" he wondered, raising an eye ridge. Peril shook her head and smiled kindly at Scorch. Wait a minute, I don't smile kindly, Peril thought suddenly. Scorch smiled back and kissed Peril. 

His kiss was so surprising that not even Tsunami could see it coming if she was in her shoes. Peril's feelings said that this was love but her heart said that something was wrong. Foolishly, Peril ignored it and focused on the kiss.  After Scorch let go to breathe, Peril said, "Where are Deathbringer and Glory?" 

"I don't know," shrugged Scorch. 

"And where is Clay? I thought for sure he would be here," Peril sighed as she looked at the guests. The only dragons that showed up were Fatespeaker and Starflight (even if Starflight was the dragon who was going to marry them, Peril still counted him as a guest), Tsunami and Riptide, Turtle and Kinkajou, Moon and Qibli, Winter and Lynx, and Sunny. Scorch looked at her side ways with anger, but it was so brief that Peril barely spotted it.  "It's okay, we should probably continue the ceremony." 

Scorch nodded-sort of relieved-and walked toward the altar. Peril looked around and realized that she had no bridesmaids. It was just herself. I guess it's just me, myself, and I, Peril thought sadly as she thought about her childhood. But that's how it's supposed to be for me...and with that, she walked toward Scorch. 

As she walked down the aisle, she glanced at her surroundings. Peril saw the altar made of obsidian and the cave around them. The cave was barely decorated, the only thing that made it have at least some formality was the moon globes. As Peril walked down the sad aisle, three wing beats were heard. Peril's head turned toward the noise and so did every other dragon in the room. 

The dragons that showed up were Deathbringer, Glory, and Clay. "Sorry we're late," Deathbringer whispered. They took their seats and sat down. Peril looked at Clay and smiled, he smiled back. Butterflies fluttered around her stomach as she thought about him when she walked toward Scorch. 

"Ladies and Gentalmen," Starflight said-kinda dully if you asked Peril. "We are gathered here today-against our will-OW-to celebrate the union of these two dragons," Starflight groaned as he touched his side were Glory hit him. But Peril didn't care that she saw Glory slither to the altar to hit Starflight. "Do you Scorch of the SkyWings take Peril of the SkyWings to be your wife?" 

"I do," Scorch smiled, kindly at Peril. But it was kind of fake if you ask Peril. Peril thought about Clay and his sad face, why was he so sad? Was it something that she did? Was it Scorch's fault? Peril was so caught up in this that she forgot what Starflight asked. 

"I'm sorry what?" Peril asked. 

"Do you take Scorch to be your husband?" Starflight asked cautiously. 

"Oh...OH, uh, Yes. I-I do," Peril nodded vigorously. Starflight nodded and looked at the crowd, mostly at Clay. 

"Does anyone object to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace," Starflight asked, raising his voice. There was silence for about two seconds. 

"I do," said a voice. Peril turned around and looked at the dragon who objected. And it was none other than Clay of the MudWings. Peril's jaw dropped when she realized that he OBJECTED to her wedding. Clay of all dragons, it had to be Clay to object. "Peril, don't marry this-this imposter," Clay growled at Scorch. "He's tricking you, he put a spell on you to love him." 

Peril shook her head in disbelief. "No. Scorch would never do such a thing," Peril denied. "Right Scorch?" He didn't say anything. 

"Peril," Clay started as he walked closer to Peril. "Do you feel like something is missing from your memory? Like you lost apart of your soul?" Peril didn't answer. "Well, that's how I feel and I know that you feel that way too because Fawn told me that I was under a spell." 

Scorch's head lifted up at the word 'Fawn'. His face was full of anger, anger that Peril never seen before. "Peril, do you know how I know you are under a spell? Because I see the way you look at me. I see the way you look at Scorch. You look at Scorch like it's fake love and you look at me like I'm the only dragon who will love you," Clay said, already next to her. His snout so close to her's. Peril was surprised when she saw that Scorch wasn't doing anything to stop this. 

"Peril, how many times did you think about me?" Clay questioned. "Because I thought about you all day, moons, all month!" Peril closed her eyes and tears started to swell. Although her body was saying 'I love Scorch' her mind, soul, and heart was saying 'He's right'. 

"All day," Peril whispered. Scorch's head lifted and he growled at Clay. Clay smiled and lowered his snout towards Peril's. And she gladly took it. The kiss...was...POWERFUL. Like some weird magic healed her. As Peril kissed Clay, memories started to flood into her mind, making Peril feel all kinds of pain. And the same happened to Clay. They pulled apart and fell to the floor wincing. 

As Peril was on the floor, she remembered the night on the cliff with Clay. She remembered her fight with Scorch and when he put a love spell on her. After the pain was gone, Peril rose up with hatred in her eyes. Peril looked at Scorch with her eyes flaring. 

"You are so dead, SkyWing," Peril growled. She opened her wings and ran towards terrified Scorch. But as she got a few inches toward him, Clay bit Peril's tail and dragged her out of the cave. "OW!" Peril cried. "CLAY! I was THIS close to killing him so we DON'T have a problem!" Peril protested as she was dragged away from Scorch. 

"You afe nof goinf tof kfll Scorchf," Clay said with Peril's tail in his teeth. 

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