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Midoriya, Kid, and Yukire sat in their command center which is Kid's very own Death Room with mirrors acting as their screens to oversee what was happening outside. While Excalibur was watching them at their back, drinking tea. The attack started at their estimated time. Everything was going according to plan not until  high level Kishins came.

"Yukire go and handle those Kishins. Kid and I will send you back up if needed." Midoriya instructed.

"Sure Mido. Make sure our right flank doesn't fall. They may be mid-level Kishin but their strength is in numbers." Yukire warned.

"No need to tell me twice." Midoriya said.

"Uncle Prae. The right flank needs back up." Kid informed right after Yukire left the Death Room.

"Send Squad 15 & 20 to back then up. Ask Squad 5 if they need back up too. They seem to be struggling. I'll handle the overlook of south and east while you deal north and west." Midoriya said and Kid followed without a second thought. Apart from that some Kishins launched their comrades to the roof of their building. Good thing General Sukeji's were already positioned there. Midoriya sensed a powerful presence at the east that is hiding expertly. He didn't mention it to Kid knowing who it is.

"Uncle Prae, Squad 5 really needs back up! They can't hold the Kishins for much longer!" Kid shouted.

"Send 3 of our special operation squads to help them. Then prepare for Soul Burst because were going to need it!" Midoriya shouted his orders. Soul Burst is a powerful explosion made out of his and Kid's soul wavelengths. That those who are Kishins gets an instant kill and humans depending on their strength including preparedness its minor dizziness to a major knockout.

"Mido, I just killed the high level Kishins! But one of them went to the sewage system! And more high levels are approaching! Approximately 6 minutes they will reach to my position!" Yukire reported through a communicator.

"Alright! Use the rest of your power to make a barrier to all our comrades! We are using Soul Blast in a minute or two!" Kid ordered since Midoriya is concentrating his powers in his body to make a perfect Soul Blast with Kid. Yukire quickly did as she told.

Midoriya and Kid held hands and concentrated their powers to fuse then contain it in their hands and chests. After a minute they made all the concentrated soul energy run wild like bursting a bubble. To spread and kill the Kishins who would get hit their power. It is very powerful mix of Kid's madness and Izuku's large soul of a Grigori. The madness kills and the Grigori saves their allies from getting affected but they will still get blown away. A good combination of souls exclusive only to them.

"Is everyone alright?" Kid asked in their communications.

"Positive sir." Yukire and the others said at the same time.

"All injured return to base, while those who are still capable search the area for survivors." Izuku ordered. They followed and this took for 3 hours. Kid went to help the injured while Izuku took over command in the Death Room. Yukire and Excalibur walked in to see how he was faring.

"Yukire tell Kid to come here and you will take over what was Kid doing. Excalibur as a friend will you please stay with me because I'm going to tell him something." Izuku said to them. Yukire not being a nosy person did what was asked and Excalibur knowing what he meant stayed. Izuku called Lord Death.

"Is it time?" Lord Death asked. Izuku just nodded. They waited for 20 minutes for Kid to enter to see them.

"Long time no see Chichiue. What are you calling for?" He asked.

"Kid we have something to tell you." Midoriya started.

"But whatever we tell you stays here and we didn't mean to do this to you once you know. This is secret information concerning about you. And Asura must never get to you." Lord Death said. The atmosphere has gotten heavier and serious all of a sudden.

"So please Kid, we didn't mean anything. We still love you as family but never misunderstood our intentions." Izuku said his tone was a bit desperate.

"Alright Uncle Prae, Chichiue. I will respect whatever secret you may have about me." Kid said to them, this made them a bit relieved especially Lord Death.

"Alright, you remember Brew and its key right?" Midoriya started. Kid just nodded as response.

"Well you are the vessel of both Brew and its key." Death dropped the bomb. Kid froze, he knew it was sealed in a person but not him.

"When did you seal them in me?" Kid asked with a hint of anger and anxiety.

"When you were asleep for 3 days after your battle with the Kishin since you were so tired. And the person least suspected to be used as the vessel." Death explained.

"What if they found out it was me? And who knew?" Kid asked again.

"Sid, Stein, the Deathscythes, Excalibur, Izuku just recently found out, Eibon of course, and..." Death seems he can't say who the last one is.

"Asura." Izuku finished.

"How the hell does the Kishin know?!!" Kid screamed his question.

"Well before the fight Excalibur came to us and reported that Asura went to Eibon, asking for Brew. He penetrated his mind to find out who is holding it." Izuku explained. Kid slumped to the floor. He was shivering

"For your first question, if an enemy finds out, you will be hunted down in order to gain Brew and its key. But we won't let that happen. Praesidium and I already talked about this, he's also the one who persuaded me to tell you. So please whatever happens don't fight or go out alone without someone who is capable of protecting you." Death said.

"I understand the dangers Uncle Prae and Chichiue. But please tell me sooner that later, you kept hiding things from me. Especially you Chchiue." Kid said. Izuku smiled and Death nodded. Excalibur in the corner just smiled at them for being a honest, and good family ( without Asura ).

Death Scythe Midoriya and Death the Kid's AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now